Class IntegerPropertyDefinition.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class IntegerPropertyDefinition.Builder extends PropertyDefinition.AbstractBuilder<Integer,IntegerPropertyDefinition>
An interface for incrementally constructing integer property definitions.
  • Method Details

    • setLowerLimit

      public void setLowerLimit(int lowerLimit)
      Set the lower limit.
      lowerLimit - The new lower limit (must be >= 0).
      IllegalArgumentException - If a negative lower limit was specified or the lower limit is greater than the upper limit.
    • setUpperLimit

      public void setUpperLimit(Integer upperLimit)
      Set the upper limit.
      upperLimit - The new upper limit or null if there is no upper limit.
    • setAllowUnlimited

      public void setAllowUnlimited(boolean allowUnlimited)
      Specify whether this property definition will allow unlimited values (default is false).
      allowUnlimited - true if the property will allow unlimited values, or false otherwise.
    • buildInstance

      protected IntegerPropertyDefinition buildInstance(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> d, String propertyName, EnumSet<PropertyOption> options, AdministratorAction adminAction, DefaultBehaviorProvider<ValueOrExpression<Integer>> defaultBehavior, Deprecated deprecated)
      Description copied from class: PropertyDefinition.AbstractBuilder
      Build a property definition based on the properties of this builder.
      Specified by:
      buildInstance in class PropertyDefinition.AbstractBuilder<Integer,IntegerPropertyDefinition>
      d - The managed object definition associated with this property definition.
      propertyName - The property name.
      options - Options applicable to this definition.
      adminAction - The administrator action.
      defaultBehavior - The default behavior provider.
      deprecated - The deprecation description.
      The new property definition.