Class SingletonRelationDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration>

Type Parameters:
C - The type of client managed object configuration that this relation definition refers to.
S - The type of server managed object configuration that this relation definition refers to.

public final class SingletonRelationDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration> extends RelationDefinition<C,S>
A managed object composite relationship definition which represents a composition of a single managed object (i.e. the managed object must be present).
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public <R, P> R accept(RelationDefinitionVisitor<R,P> v, P p)
      Description copied from class: RelationDefinition
      Apply a visitor to this relation definition.
      Specified by:
      accept in class RelationDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration>
      Type Parameters:
      R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
      P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
      v - The relation definition visitor.
      p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
      Returns a result as specified by the visitor.
    • getDefaultManagedObject

      public DefaultManagedObject<? extends C,? extends S> getDefaultManagedObject()
      Gets the optional default managed object associated with this singleton relation definition.
      Returns the default managed object or null if there is no default managed object defined for this relation definition.
    • toString

      public void toString(StringBuilder builder)
      Description copied from class: RelationDefinition
      Append a string representation of the managed object relation to the provided string builder.
      Specified by:
      toString in class RelationDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration>
      builder - The string builder where the string representation should be appended.
    • initialize

      protected void initialize()
      Description copied from class: RelationDefinition
      Performs any run-time initialization required by this relation definition. This may include resolving managed object paths and property names.
      initialize in class RelationDefinition<C extends ConfigurationClient,S extends Configuration>