Class SizePropertyDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<PropertyDefinition<?>>, Comparator<ValueOrExpression<Long>>

public final class SizePropertyDefinition extends PropertyDefinition<Long>
Memory size property definition.

All memory size property values are represented in bytes using longs.

All values must be zero or positive and within the lower/upper limit constraints. Support is provided for "unlimited" memory sizes. These are represented using a negative memory size value or using the string "unlimited".

  • Method Details

    • createBuilder

      public static SizePropertyDefinition.Builder createBuilder(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition<?,?> d, String propertyName)
      Create an memory size property definition builder.
      d - The managed object definition associated with this property definition.
      propertyName - The property name.
      Returns the new integer property definition builder.
    • getLowerLimit

      public long getLowerLimit()
      Get the lower limit in bytes.
      Returns the lower limit in bytes.
    • getUpperLimit

      public Long getUpperLimit()
      Get the upper limit in bytes.
      Returns the upper limit in bytes or null if there is no upper limit.
    • isAllowUnlimited

      public boolean isAllowUnlimited()
      Determine whether this property allows unlimited memory sizes.
      Returns true if this this property allows unlimited memory sizes.
    • accept

      public <R, P> R accept(PropertyDefinitionVisitor<R,P> v, P p)
      Description copied from class: PropertyDefinition
      Apply a visitor to this property definition.
      Specified by:
      accept in class PropertyDefinition<Long>
      Type Parameters:
      R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
      P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
      v - The property definition visitor.
      p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
      Returns a result as specified by the visitor.
    • accept

      public <R, P> R accept(PropertyValueVisitor<R,P> v, ValueOrExpression<Long> value, P p)
      Description copied from class: PropertyDefinition
      Apply a visitor to a property value associated with this property definition.
      Specified by:
      accept in class PropertyDefinition<Long>
      Type Parameters:
      R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
      P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
      v - The property value visitor.
      value - The property value.
      p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
      Returns a result as specified by the visitor.
    • toString

      public void toString(StringBuilder builder)
      Description copied from class: PropertyDefinition
      Append a string representation of the property definition to the provided string builder.

      This simple implementation just outputs the propertyName of the property definition. Sub-classes should override this method to provide more complete string representations.

      toString in class PropertyDefinition<Long>
      builder - The string builder where the string representation should be appended.