Class MissingMandatoryPropertiesException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, LocalizableException

public final class MissingMandatoryPropertiesException extends OperationsException
This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add or modify a managed object when one or more of its mandatory properties are undefined.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MissingMandatoryPropertiesException

      public MissingMandatoryPropertiesException(LocalizableMessage ufn, Collection<PropertyException> causes, boolean isCreate)
      Creates a new missing mandatory properties exception with the provided causes.
      ufn - The user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.
      causes - The causes of this exception (must be non-null and non-empty).
      isCreate - Indicates whether the exception occurred during managed object creation.
  • Method Details

    • getCause

      public PropertyException getCause()
      Gets the first exception that caused this exception.
      getCause in class Throwable
      Returns the first exception that caused this exception.
    • getCauses

      public Collection<PropertyException> getCauses()
      Gets an unmodifiable collection view of the causes of this exception.
      Returns an unmodifiable collection view of the causes of this exception.
    • getUserFriendlyName

      public LocalizableMessage getUserFriendlyName()
      Gets the user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.
      Returns the user friendly name of the component that caused this exception.
    • isCreate

      public boolean isCreate()
      Indicates whether this exception was thrown during managed object creation or during modification.
      Returns true if this exception was thrown during managed object creation.
    • hasVirtualProperties

      public boolean hasVirtualProperties()
      Returns whether at least one of the missing properties is virtual.
      whether at least one of the missing properties is virtual.