Package org.forgerock.opendj.config.client
package org.forgerock.opendj.config.client
Common client-side administration classes.
This package contains classes which client applications are expected to use.
ClassDescriptionAn interface for performing client-side constraint validation.This exception is thrown when a critical concurrent modification is detected by the client.Driver based client management connection context.Thrown when an attempt is made to create a new managed object with an illegal name.ManagedObject<T extends ConfigurationClient>A generic interface for accessing client-side managed objects.The requested managed object was found but one or more of its properties could not be decoded successfully.Client management connection context.This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add or modify a managed object when one or more of its mandatory properties are undefined.This exception is thrown when the client or server refuses to create, delete, or modify a managed object due to one or more constraints that cannot be satisfied.The type of operation that caused this exception.