Class DecodeOptions


public final class DecodeOptions extends Object
Decode options allow applications to control how requests and responses are decoded. In particular:
  • The strategy for selecting which Schema should be used for decoding distinguished names, attribute descriptions, and other objects which require a schema in order to be decoded.
  • The Attribute implementation which should be used when decoding attributes.
  • The Entry implementation which should be used when decoding entries or entry like objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • DecodeOptions

      public DecodeOptions()
      Creates a new set of decode options which will always use the default schema returned by Schema.getDefaultSchema(), LinkedAttribute, and LinkedHashMapEntry.
    • DecodeOptions

      public DecodeOptions(DecodeOptions options)
      Creates a new set of decode options having the same initial set of options as the provided set of decode options.
      options - The set of decode options to be copied.
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeFactory

      public Function<AttributeDescription,Attribute> getAttributeFactory()
      Returns the function which will be used for creating new Attribute instances when decoding attributes.
      The function which will be used for creating new Attribute instances when decoding attributes.
    • getEntryFactory

      public Function<Dn,Entry> getEntryFactory()
      Returns the function which will be used for creating new Entry instances when decoding entries.
      The function which will be used for creating new Entry instances when decoding entries.
    • getSchemaResolver

      public SchemaResolver getSchemaResolver()
      Returns the strategy for selecting which Schema should be used for decoding distinguished names, attribute descriptions, and other objects which require a Schema in order to be decoded.
      The schema resolver which will be used for decoding.
    • setAttributeFactory

      public DecodeOptions setAttributeFactory(Function<AttributeDescription,Attribute> factory)
      Sets the function which will be used for creating new Attribute instances when decoding attributes.
      factory - The function which will be used for creating new Attribute instances when decoding attributes.
      A reference to this set of decode options.
      NullPointerException - If factory was null.
    • setEntryFactory

      public DecodeOptions setEntryFactory(Function<Dn,Entry> factory)
      Sets the function which will be used for creating new Entry instances when decoding entries.
      factory - The function which will be used for creating new Entry instances when decoding entries.
      A reference to this set of decode options.
      NullPointerException - If factory was null.
    • setSchema

      public DecodeOptions setSchema(Schema schema)
      Sets the Schema which will be used for decoding distinguished names, attribute descriptions, and other objects which require a schema in order to be decoded. This setting overrides the currently active schema resolver set using setSchemaResolver(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SchemaResolver).
      schema - The Schema which will be used for decoding.
      A reference to this set of decode options.
      NullPointerException - If schema was null.
    • setSchemaResolver

      public DecodeOptions setSchemaResolver(SchemaResolver resolver)
      Sets the strategy for selecting which Schema should be used for decoding distinguished names, attribute descriptions, and other objects which require a Schema in order to be decoded. This setting overrides the currently active schema set using setSchema(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.Schema).
      resolver - The SchemaResolver which will be used for decoding.
      A reference to this set of decode options.
      NullPointerException - If resolver was null.