Class LdifEntryReader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, EntryReader

public final class LdifEntryReader extends Object implements EntryReader
An LDIF entry reader reads attribute value records (entries) using the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) from a user defined source.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LdifEntryReader

      public LdifEntryReader(InputStream in)
      Creates a new LDIF entry reader whose source is the provided input stream.
      in - The input stream to use.
      NullPointerException - If in was null.
    • LdifEntryReader

      public LdifEntryReader(List<String> ldifLines)
      Creates a new LDIF entry reader which will read lines of LDIF from the provided list of LDIF lines.
      ldifLines - The lines of LDIF to be read.
      NullPointerException - If ldifLines was null.
    • LdifEntryReader

      public LdifEntryReader(Reader reader)
      Creates a new LDIF entry reader whose source is the provided character stream reader.
      reader - The character stream reader to use.
      NullPointerException - If reader was null.
    • LdifEntryReader

      public LdifEntryReader(String... ldifLines)
      Creates a new LDIF entry reader which will read lines of LDIF from the provided array of LDIF lines.
      ldifLines - The lines of LDIF to be read.
      NullPointerException - If ldifLines was null.
  • Method Details

    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: EntryReader
      Closes this entry reader if it is not already closed. Note that this method does not need to be called if a previous call of EntryReader.readEntry() has returned null.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      Specified by:
      close in interface EntryReader
      IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred while closing.
    • hasNext

      public boolean hasNext() throws IOException
      Returns true if this reader contains another entry, blocking if necessary until either the next entry is available or the end of the stream is reached.
      Specified by:
      hasNext in interface EntryReader
      true if this reader contains another entry.
      DecodeException - If the entry could not be decoded because it was malformed.
      IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred.
    • readEntry

      public Entry readEntry() throws IOException
      Reads the next entry, blocking if necessary until an entry is available.
      Specified by:
      readEntry in interface EntryReader
      The next entry.
      DecodeException - If the entry could not be decoded because it was malformed.
      IOException - If an unexpected IO error occurred while reading the entry.
    • setExcludeAllOperationalAttributes

      public LdifEntryReader setExcludeAllOperationalAttributes(boolean excludeOperationalAttributes)
      Specifies whether all operational attributes should be excluded from any entries that are read from LDIF. The default is false.
      excludeOperationalAttributes - true if all operational attributes should be excluded, or false otherwise.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setExcludeAllUserAttributes

      public LdifEntryReader setExcludeAllUserAttributes(boolean excludeUserAttributes)
      Specifies whether all user attributes should be excluded from any entries that are read from LDIF. The default is false.
      excludeUserAttributes - true if all user attributes should be excluded, or false otherwise.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setExcludeAttribute

      public LdifEntryReader setExcludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
      Excludes the named attribute from any entries that are read from LDIF. By default all attributes are included unless explicitly excluded.
      attributeDescription - The name of the attribute to be excluded.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setExcludeBranch

      public LdifEntryReader setExcludeBranch(Dn excludeBranch)
      Excludes all entries beneath the named entry (inclusive) from being read from LDIF. By default all entries are written unless explicitly excluded or included by branches or filters.
      excludeBranch - The distinguished name of the branch to be excluded.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setIncludeAttribute

      public LdifEntryReader setIncludeAttribute(AttributeDescription attributeDescription)
      Ensures that the named attribute is not excluded from any entries that are read from LDIF. By default all attributes are included unless explicitly excluded.
      attributeDescription - The name of the attribute to be included.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setIncludeBranch

      public LdifEntryReader setIncludeBranch(Dn includeBranch)
      Ensures that all entries beneath the named entry (inclusive) are read from LDIF. By default all entries are written unless explicitly excluded or included by branches or filters.
      includeBranch - The distinguished name of the branch to be included.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setIncludeExcludeFilters

      public LdifEntryReader setIncludeExcludeFilters(Collection<Filter> includeFilters, Collection<Filter> excludeFilters)
      Sets the filters to include / exclude entries. By default all entries are read unless explicitly excluded or included by branches or filters.
      includeFilters - entries which match any include filter will be included from LDIF.
      excludeFilters - entries which match any exclude filter will be excluded from LDIF.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setRejectedLdifListener

      public LdifEntryReader setRejectedLdifListener(RejectedLdifListener listener)
      Sets the rejected record listener which should be notified whenever an LDIF record is skipped, malformed, or fails schema validation.

      By default the RejectedLdifListener.FAIL_FAST listener is used.

      listener - The rejected record listener.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setSchema

      public LdifEntryReader setSchema(Schema schema)
      Sets the schema which should be used for decoding entries that are read from LDIF. The default schema is used if no other is specified.
      schema - The schema which should be used for decoding entries that are read from LDIF.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.
    • setSchemaValidationPolicy

      public LdifEntryReader setSchemaValidationPolicy(SchemaValidationPolicy policy)
      Specifies the schema validation which should be used when reading LDIF entry records. If attribute value validation is enabled then all checks will be performed.

      Schema validation is disabled by default.

      NOTE: this method copies the provided policy so changes made to it after this method has been called will have no effect.

      policy - The schema validation which should be used when reading LDIF entry records.
      A reference to this LdifEntryReader.