Interface JsonFileHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationClient, HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient, LogPublisherCfgClient

public interface JsonFileHttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient extends HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient
A client-side interface for reading and modifying JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher settings.

JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publishers Publish access messages to Json files.

  • Method Details

    • definition

      Get the configuration definition associated with this JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher.
      Specified by:
      definition in interface ConfigurationClient
      Specified by:
      definition in interface HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient
      Specified by:
      definition in interface LogPublisherCfgClient
      Returns the configuration definition associated with this JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher.
    • getJavaClass

      Gets the "java-class" property.

      The fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher implementation.

      Default value: org.opends.server.loggers.CommonAuditHTTPAccessLogPublisher

      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient
      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface LogPublisherCfgClient
      Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
    • setJavaClass

      Sets the "java-class" property.

      The fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher implementation.

      Specified by:
      setJavaClass in interface HttpAccessLogPublisherCfgClient
      Specified by:
      setJavaClass in interface LogPublisherCfgClient
      value - The value of the "java-class" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getLogDirectory

      Gets the "log-directory" property.

      The directory to use for the log files generated by the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher. The path to the directory is relative to the server root.

      Default value: logs

      Returns the value of the "log-directory" property.
    • setLogDirectory

      @MandatoryProperty void setLogDirectory(ValueOrExpression<String> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "log-directory" property.

      The directory to use for the log files generated by the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher. The path to the directory is relative to the server root.

      value - The value of the "log-directory" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getLogFieldBlacklist

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getLogFieldBlacklist()
      Gets the "log-field-blacklist" property.

      List of fields that the server omits from access log messages.

      Valid values for this property are JSON paths for fields present in the log file.

      Returns the values of the "log-field-blacklist" property.
    • setLogFieldBlacklist

      void setLogFieldBlacklist(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "log-field-blacklist" property.

      List of fields that the server omits from access log messages.

      Valid values for this property are JSON paths for fields present in the log file.

      values - The values of the "log-field-blacklist" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getLogFieldWhitelist

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getLogFieldWhitelist()
      Gets the "log-field-whitelist" property.

      List of fields that the server includes in access log messages.

      Valid values for this property are JSON paths for fields present in the log file.

      Returns the values of the "log-field-whitelist" property.
    • setLogFieldWhitelist

      void setLogFieldWhitelist(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "log-field-whitelist" property.

      List of fields that the server includes in access log messages.

      Valid values for this property are JSON paths for fields present in the log file.

      values - The values of the "log-field-whitelist" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getLogFileNamePrefix

      ValueOrExpression<String> getLogFileNamePrefix()
      Gets the "log-file-name-prefix" property.

      File name prefix (without extension) for CSV and JSON file based access log publishers.

      Default value: http-access

      Returns the value of the "log-file-name-prefix" property.
    • setLogFileNamePrefix

      void setLogFileNamePrefix(ValueOrExpression<String> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "log-file-name-prefix" property.

      File name prefix (without extension) for CSV and JSON file based access log publishers.

      value - The value of the "log-file-name-prefix" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getRetentionPolicy

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getRetentionPolicy()
      Gets the "retention-policy" property.

      The retention policy to use for the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher.

      When multiple policies are used, log files are cleaned when any of the policy's conditions are met.

      Returns the values of the "retention-policy" property.
    • setRetentionPolicy

      void setRetentionPolicy(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "retention-policy" property.

      The retention policy to use for the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher.

      When multiple policies are used, log files are cleaned when any of the policy's conditions are met.

      values - The values of the "retention-policy" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getRotationPolicy

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getRotationPolicy()
      Gets the "rotation-policy" property.

      The rotation policy to use for the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher.

      When multiple policies are used, rotation will occur if any policy's conditions are met.

      Returns the values of the "rotation-policy" property.
    • setRotationPolicy

      void setRotationPolicy(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "rotation-policy" property.

      The rotation policy to use for the JSON File Based HTTP Access Log Publisher.

      When multiple policies are used, rotation will occur if any policy's conditions are met.

      values - The values of the "rotation-policy" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.