Interface MemberVirtualAttributeCfgClient

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationClient, VirtualAttributeCfgClient

public interface MemberVirtualAttributeCfgClient extends VirtualAttributeCfgClient
A client-side interface for reading and modifying Member Virtual Attribute settings.

The Member Virtual Attribute generates a member or uniqueMember attribute whose values are the DNs of the members of a specified virtual static group.

  • Method Details

    • definition

      Get the configuration definition associated with this Member Virtual Attribute.
      Specified by:
      definition in interface ConfigurationClient
      Specified by:
      definition in interface VirtualAttributeCfgClient
      Returns the configuration definition associated with this Member Virtual Attribute.
    • isAllowRetrievingMembership

      @MandatoryProperty ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isAllowRetrievingMembership()
      Gets the "allow-retrieving-membership" property.

      Indicates whether to handle requests that request all values for the virtual attribute.

      This operation can be very expensive in some cases and is not consistent with the primary function of virtual static groups, which is to make it possible to use static group idioms to determine whether a given user is a member. If this attribute is set to false, attempts to retrieve the entire set of values receive an empty set, and only attempts to determine whether the attribute has a specific value or set of values (which is the primary anticipated use for virtual static groups) are handled properly.

      Default value: false

      Returns the value of the "allow-retrieving-membership" property.
    • setAllowRetrievingMembership

      @MandatoryProperty void setAllowRetrievingMembership(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "allow-retrieving-membership" property.

      Indicates whether to handle requests that request all values for the virtual attribute.

      This operation can be very expensive in some cases and is not consistent with the primary function of virtual static groups, which is to make it possible to use static group idioms to determine whether a given user is a member. If this attribute is set to false, attempts to retrieve the entire set of values receive an empty set, and only attempts to determine whether the attribute has a specific value or set of values (which is the primary anticipated use for virtual static groups) are handled properly.

      value - The value of the "allow-retrieving-membership" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getConflictBehavior

      Gets the "conflict-behavior" property.

      Specifies the behavior that the server is to exhibit for entries that already contain one or more real values for the associated attribute.

      Default value: virtual-overrides-real

      Specified by:
      getConflictBehavior in interface VirtualAttributeCfgClient
      Returns the value of the "conflict-behavior" property.
    • setConflictBehavior

      Sets the "conflict-behavior" property.

      Specifies the behavior that the server is to exhibit for entries that already contain one or more real values for the associated attribute.

      Specified by:
      setConflictBehavior in interface VirtualAttributeCfgClient
      value - The value of the "conflict-behavior" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getJavaClass

      Gets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the virtual attribute provider class that generates the attribute values.

      Default value: org.opends.server.extensions.MemberVirtualAttributeProvider

      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface VirtualAttributeCfgClient
      Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
    • setJavaClass

      Sets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the virtual attribute provider class that generates the attribute values.

      Specified by:
      setJavaClass in interface VirtualAttributeCfgClient
      value - The value of the "java-class" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.