Interface ReplicationDomainCfgClient

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ReplicationDomainCfgClient extends ConfigurationClient
A client-side interface for reading and modifying Replication Domain settings.

A Replication Domain comprises of several Directory Servers sharing the same synchronized set of data.

  • Method Details

    • definition

      Get the configuration definition associated with this Replication Domain.
      Specified by:
      definition in interface ConfigurationClient
      Returns the configuration definition associated with this Replication Domain.
    • getBaseDn

      Gets the "base-dn" property.

      Specifies the base DN of the replicated data.

      Returns the value of the "base-dn" property.
    • setBaseDn

      Sets the "base-dn" property.

      Specifies the base DN of the replicated data.

      This property is read-only and can only be modified during creation of a Replication Domain.

      value - The value of the "base-dn" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
      PropertyException - If this Replication Domain is not being initialized.
    • getEclInclude

      Gets the "ecl-include" property.

      Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every change log entry, regardless of whether the attribute itself has changed.

      The list of attributes may include wild cards such as "*" and "+" as well as object class references prefixed with an at sign, for example "@person". The included attributes will be published using the "includedAttributes" operational attribute as a single LDIF value rather like the "changes" attribute. For modify and modifyDN operations the included attributes will be taken from the entry before any changes were applied.

      Default value is undefined

      Returns the values of the "ecl-include" property.
    • setEclInclude

      void setEclInclude(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "ecl-include" property.

      Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every change log entry, regardless of whether the attribute itself has changed.

      The list of attributes may include wild cards such as "*" and "+" as well as object class references prefixed with an at sign, for example "@person". The included attributes will be published using the "includedAttributes" operational attribute as a single LDIF value rather like the "changes" attribute. For modify and modifyDN operations the included attributes will be taken from the entry before any changes were applied.

      values - The values of the "ecl-include" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getEclIncludeForDeletes

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getEclIncludeForDeletes()
      Gets the "ecl-include-for-deletes" property.

      Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every delete operation change log entry, in addition to those specified by the "ecl-include" property.

      This property provides a means for applications to archive entries after they have been deleted. See the description of the "ecl-include" property for further information about how the included attributes are published.

      Default value is undefined

      Returns the values of the "ecl-include-for-deletes" property.
    • setEclIncludeForDeletes

      void setEclIncludeForDeletes(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "ecl-include-for-deletes" property.

      Specifies a list of attributes which should be published with every delete operation change log entry, in addition to those specified by the "ecl-include" property.

      This property provides a means for applications to archive entries after they have been deleted. See the description of the "ecl-include" property for further information about how the included attributes are published.

      values - The values of the "ecl-include-for-deletes" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • isEnabled

      Gets the "enabled" property.

      Indicates whether the Replication Domain is enabled in the server.

      If a Replication Domain is not enabled, then its contents will not be replicated.

      Default value: true

      Returns the value of the "enabled" property.
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "enabled" property.

      Indicates whether the Replication Domain is enabled in the server.

      If a Replication Domain is not enabled, then its contents will not be replicated.

      value - The value of the "enabled" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getFractionalExclude

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getFractionalExclude()
      Gets the "fractional-exclude" property.

      Allows to exclude some attributes to replicate to this server.

      If fractional-exclude configuration attribute is used, attributes specified in this attribute will be ignored (not added/modified/deleted) when an operation performed from another directory server is being replayed in the local server. Note that the usage of this configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the usage of the fractional-include attribute.

      Default value is undefined

      Returns the values of the "fractional-exclude" property.
    • setFractionalExclude

      void setFractionalExclude(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "fractional-exclude" property.

      Allows to exclude some attributes to replicate to this server.

      If fractional-exclude configuration attribute is used, attributes specified in this attribute will be ignored (not added/modified/deleted) when an operation performed from another directory server is being replayed in the local server. Note that the usage of this configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the usage of the fractional-include attribute.

      values - The values of the "fractional-exclude" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.
    • getFractionalInclude

      SortedSet<ValueOrExpression<String>> getFractionalInclude()
      Gets the "fractional-include" property.

      Allows to include some attributes to replicate to this server.

      If fractional-include configuration attribute is used, only attributes specified in this attribute will be added/modified/deleted when an operation performed from another directory server is being replayed in the local server. Note that the usage of this configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the usage of the fractional-exclude attribute.

      Default value is undefined

      Returns the values of the "fractional-include" property.
    • setFractionalInclude

      void setFractionalInclude(Collection<ValueOrExpression<String>> values) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "fractional-include" property.

      Allows to include some attributes to replicate to this server.

      If fractional-include configuration attribute is used, only attributes specified in this attribute will be added/modified/deleted when an operation performed from another directory server is being replayed in the local server. Note that the usage of this configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the usage of the fractional-exclude attribute.

      values - The values of the "fractional-include" property.
      PropertyException - If one or more of the new values are invalid.