Interface Rest2ldapEndpointCfgClient

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationClient, HttpEndpointCfgClient

public interface Rest2ldapEndpointCfgClient extends HttpEndpointCfgClient
A client-side interface for reading and modifying Rest2LDAP Endpoint settings.

The Rest2LDAP Endpoint provides RESTful access to LDAP application data using a set of customizable data transformations.

  • Method Details

    • definition

      Get the configuration definition associated with this Rest2LDAP Endpoint.
      Specified by:
      definition in interface ConfigurationClient
      Specified by:
      definition in interface HttpEndpointCfgClient
      Returns the configuration definition associated with this Rest2LDAP Endpoint.
    • getConfigDirectory

      Gets the "config-directory" property.

      The directory containing the Rest2Ldap configuration file(s) for this specific endpoint.

      The directory must be readable by the server and may contain multiple configuration files, one for each supported version of the REST endpoint. If a relative path is used then it will be resolved against the server's instance directory.

      Returns the value of the "config-directory" property.
    • setConfigDirectory

      @MandatoryProperty void setConfigDirectory(ValueOrExpression<String> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "config-directory" property.

      The directory containing the Rest2Ldap configuration file(s) for this specific endpoint.

      The directory must be readable by the server and may contain multiple configuration files, one for each supported version of the REST endpoint. If a relative path is used then it will be resolved against the server's instance directory.

      value - The value of the "config-directory" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • getJavaClass

      Gets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Rest2LDAP Endpoint implementation.

      Default value: org.opends.server.protocols.http.rest2ldap.Rest2LdapEndpoint

      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface HttpEndpointCfgClient
      Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
    • setJavaClass

      Sets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Rest2LDAP Endpoint implementation.

      Specified by:
      setJavaClass in interface HttpEndpointCfgClient
      value - The value of the "java-class" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.
    • isReturnNullForMissingProperties

      ValueOrExpression<Boolean> isReturnNullForMissingProperties()
      Gets the "return-null-for-missing-properties" property.

      Indicates whether missing (unmapped) JSON properties should be included in JSON resources.

      By default JSON properties that do not have a corresponding LDAP attribute are unmapped and not included in JSON resources returned by the REST endpoint. Set this option to true if unmapped JSON properties should be included with a value of null.

      Default value: false

      Returns the value of the "return-null-for-missing-properties" property.
    • setReturnNullForMissingProperties

      void setReturnNullForMissingProperties(ValueOrExpression<Boolean> value) throws PropertyException
      Sets the "return-null-for-missing-properties" property.

      Indicates whether missing (unmapped) JSON properties should be included in JSON resources.

      By default JSON properties that do not have a corresponding LDAP attribute are unmapped and not included in JSON resources returned by the REST endpoint. Set this option to true if unmapped JSON properties should be included with a value of null.

      value - The value of the "return-null-for-missing-properties" property.
      PropertyException - If the new value is invalid.