Interface SmtpAlertHandlerCfg

All Superinterfaces:
AlertHandlerCfg, Configuration

public interface SmtpAlertHandlerCfg extends AlertHandlerCfg
A server-side interface for querying SMTP Alert Handler settings.

The SMTP Alert Handler may be used to send e-mail messages to notify administrators of significant events that occur within the server.

  • Method Details

    • configurationClass

      Class<? extends SmtpAlertHandlerCfg> configurationClass()
      Gets the configuration class associated with this SMTP Alert Handler.
      Specified by:
      configurationClass in interface AlertHandlerCfg
      Specified by:
      configurationClass in interface Configuration
      Returns the configuration class associated with this SMTP Alert Handler.
    • addSmtpChangeListener

      void addSmtpChangeListener(ConfigurationChangeListener<SmtpAlertHandlerCfg> listener)
      Register to be notified when this SMTP Alert Handler is changed.
      listener - The SMTP Alert Handler configuration change listener.
    • removeSmtpChangeListener

      void removeSmtpChangeListener(ConfigurationChangeListener<SmtpAlertHandlerCfg> listener)
      Deregister an existing SMTP Alert Handler configuration change listener.
      listener - The SMTP Alert Handler configuration change listener.
    • getJavaClass

      String getJavaClass()
      Gets the "java-class" property.

      Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the SMTP Alert Handler implementation.

      Default value: org.opends.server.extensions.SMTPAlertHandler

      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface AlertHandlerCfg
      Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
    • getMessageBody

      String getMessageBody()
      Gets the "message-body" property.

      Specifies the body that should be used for email messages generated by this alert handler.

      The token "%%alert-type%%" is dynamically replaced with the alert type string. The token "%%alert-id%%" is dynamically replaced with the alert ID value. The token "%%alert-message%%" is dynamically replaced with the alert message. The token "\\n" is replaced with an end-of-line marker.

      Returns the value of the "message-body" property.
    • getMessageSubject

      String getMessageSubject()
      Gets the "message-subject" property.

      Specifies the subject that should be used for email messages generated by this alert handler.

      The token "%%alert-type%%" is dynamically replaced with the alert type string. The token "%%alert-id%%" is dynamically replaced with the alert ID value. The token "%%alert-message%%" is dynamically replaced with the alert message. The token "\\n" is replaced with an end-of-line marker.

      Returns the value of the "message-subject" property.
    • getRecipientAddress

      SortedSet<String> getRecipientAddress()
      Gets the "recipient-address" property.

      Specifies an email address to which the messages should be sent.

      Multiple values may be provided if there should be more than one recipient.

      Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "recipient-address" property.
    • getSenderAddress

      String getSenderAddress()
      Gets the "sender-address" property.

      Specifies the email address to use as the sender for messages generated by this alert handler.

      Returns the value of the "sender-address" property.