Class Profile.ParameterValues

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Profile.ParameterValues extends Object implements Profile.ParameterValuesProvider
Profile.ParameterValuesProvider base implementation which can be used to pass profile parameter values.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterValues

      public ParameterValues()
  • Method Details

    • parameter

      public final Profile.ParameterValues parameter(String name, Object... values)
      Adds the value(s) to the parameter associated to provided variable name.
      name - Profile parameter variable name
      values - Objects which string representation will be used as parameter value(s)
      this Profile.ParameterValues to continue setting parameter values
    • getValues

      public final List<String> getValues(Profile.Parameter<?,?> parameter)
      Description copied from interface: Profile.ParameterValuesProvider
      Returns the values set for the provided profile parameter.

      This method will be called during the profile's parameters.groovy script execution

      If provided parameter has not been flagged as being multivalued, the returned list will contain only one element.

      Specified by:
      getValues in interface Profile.ParameterValuesProvider
      parameter - The parameter from which the value(s) should be resolved
      A list of string representing the values set in command line arguments for the provided profile Profile.Parameter, or an empty list if parameter default value should be used.
    • registeredParameterNames

      protected final Set<String> registeredParameterNames()
      Returns names of all parameters set within this Profile.ParameterValues.
      a set of string representing names of all parameters set within this Profile.ParameterValues