Interface AlertGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AccessControlConfigManager, AciListenerManager, BackupRunner, ConfigurationHandler, DirectoryServer, DiskSpaceMonitor, HTTPConnectionHandler, LDAPConnectionHandler, LDAPReplicationDomain, LDIFBackend, LDIFConnectionHandler, SchemaBackend, TaskScheduler, UniqueAttributePlugin

public interface AlertGenerator
This class defines an interface that may be used to define a set of alert notifications that may be generated by this Directory Server component. The notifications will be made available through JMX and may be published through other mechanisms as well.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves information about the set of alerts that this generator may produce.
    default String
    Retrieves the fully-qualified name of the Java class for this alert generator implementation.
    Retrieves the DN of the configuration entry with which this alert generator is associated.
  • Method Details

    • getComponentEntryDN

      Dn getComponentEntryDN()
      Retrieves the DN of the configuration entry with which this alert generator is associated.
      The DN of the configuration entry with which this alert generator is associated.
    • getClassName

      default String getClassName()
      Retrieves the fully-qualified name of the Java class for this alert generator implementation.
      The fully-qualified name of the Java class for this alert generator implementation.
    • getAlerts

      Map<String,String> getAlerts()
      Retrieves information about the set of alerts that this generator may produce. The map returned should be between the notification type for a particular notification and the human-readable description for that notification. This alert generator must not generate any alerts with types that are not contained in this list.
      Information about the set of alerts that this generator may produce.