Class TaskScheduler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, AlertGenerator

public final class TaskScheduler extends DirectoryThread implements AlertGenerator
This class defines a task scheduler for the Directory Server that will control the execution of scheduled tasks and other administrative functions that need to occur on a regular basis.
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskScheduler

      public TaskScheduler(ServerContext serverContext, TaskBackend taskBackend) throws InitializationException
      Creates a new task scheduler that will be used to ensure that tasks are invoked at the appropriate times.
      serverContext - The server context
      taskBackend - The task backend with which this scheduler is associated.
      InitializationException - If a problem occurs while initializing the scheduler from the backing file.
  • Method Details

    • addRecurringTask

      public void addRecurringTask(Entry recurringTask) throws LdapException
      Adds a recurring task to the scheduler, optionally scheduling the first iteration for processing.
      recurringTask - The recurring task to add to the scheduler.
      LdapException - If a problem occurs while trying to add the recurring task (e.g., there's already another recurring task defined with the same ID).
    • removeRecurringTask

      public void removeRecurringTask(String recurringTaskID) throws LdapException
      Removes the recurring task with the given ID.
      recurringTaskID - The ID of the recurring task to remove.
      LdapException - If there is currently a pending or running iteration of the associated recurring task.
    • scheduleTask

      public void scheduleTask(Task task) throws LdapException
      Schedules the provided task for execution. If the scheduler is active and the start time has arrived, then the task will begin execution immediately. Otherwise, it will be placed in the pending queue to be started at the appropriate time.
      task - The task to be scheduled.
      LdapException - If a problem occurs while trying to schedule the task (e.g., there's already another task defined with the same ID).
    • removePendingTask

      public void removePendingTask(String taskID) throws LdapException
      Removes the specified pending task. It will be completely removed rather than moving it to the set of completed tasks.
      taskID - The task ID of the pending task to remove.
      LdapException - If the requested task is not in the pending queue.
    • removeCompletedTask

      public void removeCompletedTask(String taskID) throws LdapException
      Removes the specified completed task.
      taskID - The task ID of the completed task to remove.
      LdapException - If the requested task could not be found.
    • threadDone

      public boolean threadDone(org.opends.server.backends.task.TaskThread taskThread, Task completedTask, TaskState taskState)
      Indicates that processing has completed on the provided task thread and that it is now available for processing other tasks. The thread may be immediately used for processing another task if appropriate.
      taskThread - The thread that has completed processing on its previously-assigned task.
      completedTask - The task for which processing has been completed.
      taskState - The task state for this completed task.
      true if the thread should continue running and wait for the next task to process, or false if it should exit immediately.
    • scheduleNextRecurringTaskIteration

      protected void scheduleNextRecurringTaskIteration(Task completedTask, Instant dateAndTimeToSchedule)
      Check if a given task is a recurring task iteration and re-schedule it.
      completedTask - The task for which processing has been completed.
      dateAndTimeToSchedule - The date and time to schedule from.
    • run

      public void run()
      Operates in a loop, launching tasks at the appropriate time and performing any necessary periodic cleanup.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
      run in class Thread
    • writeState

      public void writeState()
      Writes state information about all tasks and recurring tasks to disk.
    • getEntryCount

      public long getEntryCount()
      Retrieves the total number of entries in the task backend.
      The total number of entries in the task backend.
    • getScheduledTaskCount

      public long getScheduledTaskCount()
      Retrieves the number of scheduled tasks in the task backend.
      The total number of entries in the task backend.
    • getRecurringTaskCount

      public long getRecurringTaskCount()
      Retrieves the number of recurring tasks in the task backend.
      The total number of entries in the task backend.
    • getTaskBackend

      public TaskBackend getTaskBackend()
      Retrieves the task backend with which this scheduler is associated.
      The task backend with which this scheduler is associated.
    • getTaskRootEntry

      public Entry getTaskRootEntry()
      Retrieves the root entry that is the common ancestor for all entries in the task backend.
      The root entry that is the common ancestor for all entries in the task backend.
    • getScheduledTaskParentEntry

      public Entry getScheduledTaskParentEntry()
      Retrieves the entry that is the immediate parent for all scheduled task entries in the task backend.
      The entry that is the immediate parent for all scheduled task entries in the task backend.
    • getRecurringTaskParentEntry

      public Entry getRecurringTaskParentEntry()
      Retrieves the entry that is the immediate parent for all recurring task entries in the task backend.
      The entry that is the immediate parent for all recurring task entries in the task backend.
    • getScheduledTask

      public Task getScheduledTask(Dn taskEntryDN)
      Retrieves the scheduled task created from the specified entry.
      taskEntryDN - The DN of the task configuration entry associated with the task to retrieve.
      The requested scheduled task, or null if there is no such task.
    • getScheduledTaskEntry

      public Entry getScheduledTaskEntry(Dn scheduledTaskEntryDN)
      Retrieves the scheduled task entry with the provided DN. The caller should hold a read lock on the target entry.
      scheduledTaskEntryDN - The entry DN that indicates which scheduled task entry to retrieve.
      The scheduled task entry with the provided DN, or null if no scheduled task has the provided DN.
    • searchScheduledTasks

      public boolean searchScheduledTasks(SearchOperation searchOperation) throws LdapException
      Compares the filter in the provided search operation against each of the task entries, returning any that match. Note that only the search filter will be used -- the base and scope will be ignored, so the caller must ensure that they are correct for scheduled tasks.
      searchOperation - The search operation to use when performing the search.
      true if processing should continue on the search operation, or false if it should not for some reason (e.g., a size or time limit was reached).
      LdapException - If a problem occurs while processing the search operation against the scheduled tasks.
    • getRecurringTask

      public RecurringTask getRecurringTask(Dn recurringTaskEntryDN)
      Retrieves the recurring task with the given recurring task ID.
      recurringTaskEntryDN - The recurring task ID for the recurring task to retrieve.
      The requested recurring task, or null if there is no such recurring task.
    • getRecurringTaskEntry

      public Entry getRecurringTaskEntry(Dn recurringTaskEntryDN)
      Retrieves the recurring task entry with the provided DN. The caller should hold a read lock on the target entry.
      recurringTaskEntryDN - The entry DN that indicates which recurring task entry to retrieve.
      The recurring task entry with the provided DN, or null if no recurring task has the provided DN.
    • searchRecurringTasks

      public boolean searchRecurringTasks(SearchOperation searchOperation) throws LdapException
      Compares the filter in the provided search operation against each of the recurring task entries, returning any that match. Note that only the search filter will be used -- the base and scope will be ignored, so the caller must ensure that they are correct for recurring tasks.
      searchOperation - The search operation to use when performing the search.
      true if processing should continue on the search operation, or false if it should not for some reason (e.g., a size or time limit was reached).
      LdapException - If a problem occurs while processing the search operation against the recurring tasks.
    • entryToScheduledTask

      public Task entryToScheduledTask(Entry entry, Operation operation) throws LdapException
      Decodes the contents of the provided entry as a scheduled task. The resulting task will not actually be scheduled for processing.
      entry - The entry to decode as a scheduled task.
      operation - The operation used to create this task in the server, or null if the operation is not available.
      The scheduled task decoded from the provided entry.
      LdapException - If the provided entry cannot be decoded as a scheduled task.
    • getComponentEntryDN

      public Dn getComponentEntryDN()
      Description copied from interface: AlertGenerator
      Retrieves the DN of the configuration entry with which this alert generator is associated.
      Specified by:
      getComponentEntryDN in interface AlertGenerator
      The DN of the configuration entry with which this alert generator is associated.
    • getAlerts

      public Map<String,String> getAlerts()
      Description copied from interface: AlertGenerator
      Retrieves information about the set of alerts that this generator may produce. The map returned should be between the notification type for a particular notification and the human-readable description for that notification. This alert generator must not generate any alerts with types that are not contained in this list.
      Specified by:
      getAlerts in interface AlertGenerator
      Information about the set of alerts that this generator may produce.