Enum Class TaskState

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<TaskState>, java.lang.constant.Constable

public enum TaskState extends Enum<TaskState>
This enumeration defines the various states that a task can have during its lifetime.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    The task state that indicates that the task was canceled by an administrator before it started running.
    The task state that indicates that the task has completed without any errors.
    The task state that indicates that the task was able to complete its intended goal, but that one or more errors were encountered during the process.
    The task state that indicates that the task has been disabled by an administrator.
    The task state that indicates that the task is recurring.
    The task state that indicates that the task is currently running.
    The task state that indicates that the task was stopped by an administrator after it had already started but before it was able to complete.
    The task state that indicates that one or more errors prevented the task from completing.
    The task state that indicates that the task was unable to complete because it was interrupted by the shutdown of the task backend.
    The task state that indicates that the task has not yet been scheduled, or possibly that the scheduler is currently not running.
    The task state that indicates that at least one of the task's defined dependencies has not yet completed.
    The task state that indicates that the task's scheduled start time has not yet arrived.
    The task state that indicates that the task will be retried again.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static TaskState
    Retrieves the task state that corresponds to the provided string value.
    Gets a locale sensitive representation of this state.
    Indicates whether this task has been cancelled.
    Indicates whether a task with the specified state has completed all the processing that it will do, regardless of whether it completed its intended goal.
    Indicates whether a task with the specified state is currently pending execution.
    Indicates whether a task with the specified state is recurring.
    Indicates whether a task with the specified state is currently running.
    Indicates whether a task with the specified state has been able to complete its intended goal.
    static TaskState
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    static TaskState[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final TaskState UNSCHEDULED
      The task state that indicates that the task has not yet been scheduled, or possibly that the scheduler is currently not running.

      public static final TaskState DISABLED
      The task state that indicates that the task has been disabled by an administrator.

      public static final TaskState WAITING_ON_START_TIME
      The task state that indicates that the task's scheduled start time has not yet arrived.

      public static final TaskState WAITING_ON_DEPENDENCY
      The task state that indicates that at least one of the task's defined dependencies has not yet completed.

      public static final TaskState RUNNING
      The task state that indicates that the task is currently running.

      public static final TaskState RECURRING
      The task state that indicates that the task is recurring.

      public static final TaskState COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY
      The task state that indicates that the task has completed without any errors.

      public static final TaskState COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS
      The task state that indicates that the task was able to complete its intended goal, but that one or more errors were encountered during the process.

      public static final TaskState STOPPED_BY_SHUTDOWN
      The task state that indicates that the task was unable to complete because it was interrupted by the shutdown of the task backend.

      public static final TaskState STOPPED_BY_ERROR
      The task state that indicates that one or more errors prevented the task from completing.

      public static final TaskState STOPPED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
      The task state that indicates that the task was stopped by an administrator after it had already started but before it was able to complete.

      public static final TaskState CANCELED_BEFORE_STARTING
      The task state that indicates that the task was canceled by an administrator before it started running.

      public static final TaskState WILL_RETRY
      The task state that indicates that the task will be retried again. Used by InitializeTask as internal state.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static TaskState[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static TaskState valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • isPending

      public boolean isPending()
      Indicates whether a task with the specified state is currently pending execution.
      true if the task state indicates that the task is currently pending, or false otherwise.
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
      Indicates whether a task with the specified state is currently running.
      true if the task state indicates that the task is currently running, or false otherwise.
    • isRecurring

      public boolean isRecurring()
      Indicates whether a task with the specified state is recurring.
      true if the task state indicates that the task is recurring, or false otherwise.
    • isDone

      public boolean isDone()
      Indicates whether a task with the specified state has completed all the processing that it will do, regardless of whether it completed its intended goal.
      false if the task state indicates that the task has not yet started or is currently running, or true otherwise
    • isSuccessful

      public boolean isSuccessful()
      Indicates whether a task with the specified state has been able to complete its intended goal.
      true if the task state indicates that the task completed successfully or with minor errors that still allowed it to achieve its goal, or false otherwise.
    • isCancelled

      public boolean isCancelled()
      Indicates whether this task has been cancelled.
      true if the task state indicates that the task was cancelled either before or during execution, or false otherwise.
    • fromString

      public static TaskState fromString(String s)
      Retrieves the task state that corresponds to the provided string value.
      s - The string value for which to retrieve the corresponding task state.
      The corresponding task state, or null if none could be associated with the provided string.
    • getDisplayName

      public LocalizableMessage getDisplayName()
      Gets a locale sensitive representation of this state.
      LocalizableMessage describing state