Class BackupFileManager


public final class BackupFileManager extends Object
A backup file manager is responsible for securely and lazily saving backend files and metadata to its underlying backup storage. Backend files are compressed and encrypted, every file stored in the backup storage is protected for integrity by an HMAC.

Each file uses a different HMAC and encryption key, each new key is wrapped by the current CryptoManager master key public key.

Backend files are lazily stored to the underlying backup storage thanks to a fingerprinting algorithm, given the same file name and same file content, BackupFileManager will store the file only once.

Stored backend files format

Backend files are compressed with gunzip and encrypted. The wrapped HMAC key, wrapped encryption key, HMAC value at the time of storing the file and file name are stored in a separate ".info" file.

Metadata file format

Metadata is stored in ldif files containing the metadata entry, the wrapped HMAC key and the HMAC value at the time of storing the file.
  • Method Details

    • getBackupIds

      public Set<BackupId> getBackupIds() throws BackupException
      Returns the set of metadata IDS found in the underlying backup storage.
      The set of metadata IDS.
      BackupException - If there is a problem when retrieving the metadata IDs.
    • readBackup

      public Backup readBackup(BackupId backupId) throws BackupException
      Reads the backup file with the provided ID from the underlying backup storage and converts it to a backup object. Throws an exception if the backup file cannot be found or if it is corrupted.
      backupId - The backup id.
      The backup object
      BackupException - If the underlying storage does not contain a backup file with the provided ID, if the backup file integrity cannot be verified or if it is corrupted.