Class AccessLogPublisher<T extends AccessLogPublisherCfg>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of access log publisher configuration handled by this log publisher implementation.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, LogPublisher<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
TextAccessLogPublisher, TextAuditLogPublisher

public abstract class AccessLogPublisher<T extends AccessLogPublisherCfg> extends Object implements LogPublisher<T>
This class defines the set of methods and structures that must be implemented for a Directory Server access log publisher.
  • Constructor Details

    • AccessLogPublisher

      public AccessLogPublisher()
  • Method Details

    • isConfigurationAcceptable

      public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable(T configuration, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Description copied from interface: LogPublisher
      Indicates whether the provided configuration is acceptable for this log publisher. It should be possible to call this method on an uninitialized log publisher instance in order to determine whether the log publisher would be able to use the provided configuration.
      Specified by:
      isConfigurationAcceptable in interface LogPublisher<T extends AccessLogPublisherCfg>
      configuration - The log publisher configuration for which to make the determination.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that may be used to hold the reasons that the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      true if the provided configuration is acceptable for this log publisher, or false if not.
    • logConnect

      public void logConnect(ClientConnection clientConnection)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about a new client connection that has been established, regardless of whether it will be immediately terminated.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      clientConnection - The client connection that has been established.
    • logDisconnect

      public void logDisconnect(ClientConnection clientConnection, DisconnectReason disconnectReason, LocalizableMessage message)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the termination of an existing client connection.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      clientConnection - The client connection that has been terminated.
      disconnectReason - A generic disconnect reason for the connection termination.
      message - A human-readable message that can provide additional information about the disconnect.
    • logAbandonRequest

      public void logAbandonRequest(RequestContext context, AbandonRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the provided abandon request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the abandon request to log
    • logAbandonResult

      public void logAbandonResult(RequestContext context, AbandonRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the provided result. Note there is no LDAP result sent back to client, it is for logging purposes only.
      context - the context for the request
      request - the original abandon request
      result - the Result to the abandon request
    • logAddRequest

      public void logAddRequest(RequestContext context, AddRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the add request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the add request to log
    • logAddResult

      public void logAddResult(RequestContext context, AddRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the add result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original add request
      result - the result to log
    • logBindRequest

      public void logBindRequest(RequestContext context, BindRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the bind request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the bind request to log
    • logBindResult

      public void logBindResult(RequestContext context, BindRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the bind result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original bind request
      result - the result to log
    • logCompareRequest

      public void logCompareRequest(RequestContext context, CompareRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the compare request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the compare request to log
    • logCompareResult

      public void logCompareResult(RequestContext context, CompareRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the compare result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original compare request
      result - the result to log
    • logDeleteRequest

      public void logDeleteRequest(RequestContext context, DeleteRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the delete request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original delete request
    • logDeleteResult

      public void logDeleteResult(RequestContext context, DeleteRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the delete result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original delete request
      result - the result to log
    • logExtendedRequest

      public void logExtendedRequest(RequestContext context, ExtendedRequest<?> request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the extended request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original extended request
    • logExtendedResult

      public void logExtendedResult(RequestContext context, ExtendedRequest<?> request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the extended result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original extended request
      result - the result to log
    • logInvalidRequest

      public void logInvalidRequest(RequestContext context, InvalidRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about an invalid request.
      context - the context for this request
      request - the description of the invalid request to log
    • logInvalidResult

      public void logInvalidResult(RequestContext context, InvalidRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original description of the invalid request
      result - the result to log
    • logModifyRequest

      public void logModifyRequest(RequestContext context, ModifyRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the modify request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original modify request
    • logModifyResult

      public void logModifyResult(RequestContext context, ModifyRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the modify result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original modify request
      result - the result to log
    • logModifyDnRequest

      public void logModifyDnRequest(RequestContext context, ModifyDnRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the modifyDN request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original modifyDN request
    • logModifyDnResult

      public void logModifyDnResult(RequestContext context, ModifyDnRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the modifyDN result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original modifyDN request
      result - the result to log
    • logSearchRequest

      public void logSearchRequest(RequestContext context, SearchRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the search request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original search request
    • logSearchResult

      public void logSearchResult(RequestContext context, SearchRequest request, Result result)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the search result.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the original search request
      result - the result to log
    • logTlsHandshake

      public void logTlsHandshake(ClientConnection clientConnection)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the TLS handshake.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      clientConnection - the client connection
    • logUnbind

      public void logUnbind(RequestContext context, UnbindRequest request)
      Writes a message to the access logger with information about the provided unbind request.

      The default implementation is to not log anything.

      context - the logging context for the request
      request - the unbind request to log