Class MultimasterReplication.UnreachableReplicationServers

Enclosing class:

public static final class MultimasterReplication.UnreachableReplicationServers extends Object
Keeps information on temporarily unreachable replication unreachableServers. RSes in the list will be deleted after an interval, depending on the number of configured replication unreachableServers, from the time the last server has been added. It guarantees the replication server, if any, will not timeout twice on the same RS while connecting to other RSes, blocking new incoming connections for too long (see ReplicationServer runConnect and how it updates domainTicket). A Data Server will use this information but not update it, since it can simply try the next in its list; once it is connected, it will recalculate the best server and reconnect if necessary.
  • Constructor Details

    • UnreachableReplicationServers

      public UnreachableReplicationServers()
  • Method Details

    • addServer

      public void addServer(com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort server)
      Add a server to the set of temporarily unreachable unreachableServers.
      server - the server to add
    • isUnreachable

      public boolean isUnreachable(com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort server)
      Returns true if the provided server is temporarily unreachable.
      server - the server to check
      true if the provided server is temporarily unreachable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object