Class MultimasterReplication

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationAddListener<ReplicationDomainCfg>, ConfigurationChangeListener<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>, ConfigurationDeleteListener<ReplicationDomainCfg>, BackupTaskListener, ExportTaskListener, ImportTaskListener, RestoreTaskListener, HealthStatusProvider, ShutdownSynchronizer

This class is used to load the Replication code inside the JVM and to trigger initialization of the replication. It also extends the SynchronizationProvider class in order to have some replication code running during the operation process as pre-op, conflictResolution, and post-op.
  • Constructor Details

    • MultimasterReplication

      public MultimasterReplication()
  • Method Details

    • findDomain

      public static LDAPReplicationDomain findDomain(Dn dn, PluginOperation pluginOp, ServerContext serverContext)
      Finds the domain for a given DN.
      dn - The DN for which the domain must be returned.
      pluginOp - An optional operation for which the check is done. Can be null is the request has no associated operation.
      serverContext - The server context.
      The domain for this DN.
    • findDomain

      public static LDAPReplicationDomain findDomain(Dn dn, ServerContext serverContext)
      Finds the domain for a given DN.
      dn - The DN for which the domain must be returned.
      serverContext - The server context.
      The domain for this DN.
    • createNewDomainIfEnabled

      public LDAPReplicationDomain createNewDomainIfEnabled(ServerContext serverContext, ReplicationDomainCfg configuration)
      Creates a new domain from its configEntry, do the necessary initialization and starts it so that it is fully operational when this method returns.
      serverContext - The server context
      configuration - The entry with the configuration of this domain.
      The domain created or null if it is disabled or a problem occurred.
    • deleteDomain

      public static void deleteDomain(Dn dn)
      Deletes a domain.
      dn - the base DN of the domain to delete.
    • initializeSynchronizationProvider

      public void initializeSynchronizationProvider(ServerContext serverContext, ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg cfg) throws ConfigException
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any initialization that might be necessary for this synchronization provider.
      Specified by:
      initializeSynchronizationProvider in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      serverContext - The server context.
      cfg - The configuration information for this synchronization provider.
      ConfigException - If the provided entry does not contain a valid configuration for this synchronization provider.
    • isConfigurationAddAcceptable

      public boolean isConfigurationAddAcceptable(ReplicationDomainCfg configuration, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationAddListener
      Indicates whether the proposed addition of a new configuration is acceptable to this add listener.
      Specified by:
      isConfigurationAddAcceptable in interface ConfigurationAddListener<ReplicationDomainCfg>
      configuration - The configuration that will be added.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      Returns true if the proposed addition is acceptable, or false if it is not.
    • applyConfigurationAdd

      public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationAdd(ReplicationDomainCfg configuration)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationAddListener
      Adds a new configuration to this add listener.
      Specified by:
      applyConfigurationAdd in interface ConfigurationAddListener<ReplicationDomainCfg>
      configuration - The configuration that will be added.
      Returns information about the result of adding the configuration.
    • doPostOperation

      public void doPostOperation(PostOperationAddOperation addOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed after the provided add operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately after processing the add operation in the backend and releasing the lock on the target entry.
      Specified by:
      doPostOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      addOperation - The add operation to be processed.
    • doPostOperation

      public void doPostOperation(PostOperationDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed after the provided delete operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately after processing the delete operation in the backend and releasing the lock on the target entry.
      Specified by:
      doPostOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      deleteOperation - The delete operation to be processed.
    • doPostOperation

      public void doPostOperation(PostOperationModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed after the provided modify DN operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately after processing the modify DN operation in the backend and releasing the lock on the target entry.
      Specified by:
      doPostOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation to be processed.
    • doPostOperation

      public void doPostOperation(PostOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed after the provided modify operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately after processing the modify operation in the backend and releasing the lock on the target entry.
      Specified by:
      doPostOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      modifyOperation - The modify operation to be processed.
    • handleConflictResolution

      public SynchronizationProviderResult handleConflictResolution(PreOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing for the operation that may be needed early on to deal with any potential conflict resolution or updates to historical data. This method will be invoked immediately after a lock is acquired on the target entry.
      handleConflictResolution in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      modifyOperation - The modify operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • handleConflictResolution

      public SynchronizationProviderResult handleConflictResolution(PreOperationAddOperation addOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing for the operation that may be needed early on to deal with any potential conflict resolution or updates to historical data. This method will be invoked immediately after a lock is acquired on the target entry.
      handleConflictResolution in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      addOperation - The add operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • handleConflictResolution

      public SynchronizationProviderResult handleConflictResolution(PreOperationDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing for the operation that may be needed early on to deal with any potential conflict resolution or updates to historical data. This method will be invoked immediately after a lock is acquired on the target entry.
      handleConflictResolution in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      deleteOperation - The delete operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • handleConflictResolution

      public SynchronizationProviderResult handleConflictResolution(PreOperationModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing for the operation that may be needed early on to deal with any potential conflict resolution or updates to historical data. This method will be invoked immediately after a lock is acquired on the target entry.
      handleConflictResolution in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      modifyDNOperation - The modify DN operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • doPreOperation

      public SynchronizationProviderResult doPreOperation(PreOperationModifyOperation modifyOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed before the provided modify operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately before processing the modify operation in the backend.
      Specified by:
      doPreOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      modifyOperation - The modify operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • doPreOperation

      public SynchronizationProviderResult doPreOperation(PreOperationDeleteOperation deleteOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed before the provided delete operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately before processing the delete operation in the backend.
      Specified by:
      doPreOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      deleteOperation - The delete operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • doPreOperation

      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed before the provided modify DN operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately before processing the modify DN operation in the backend.
      Specified by:
      doPreOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      modifyDnOp - The modify DN operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • doPreOperation

      public SynchronizationProviderResult doPreOperation(PreOperationAddOperation addOperation)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary synchronization processing that may be needed before the provided add operation is performed. This method will be invoked immediately before processing the add operation in the backend.
      Specified by:
      doPreOperation in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      addOperation - The add operation to be processed.
      Information about the result of the synchronization provider processing. Note that if the provider indicates that processing should end for the operation, it must set the result code for the operation and should also set the response message.
    • finalizeSynchronizationProvider

      public void finalizeSynchronizationProvider()
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary finalization for this synchronization provider. This will be called just after the provider has been unregistered with the server but before it has been unloaded.
      finalizeSynchronizationProvider in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
    • synchronizeOfflineChanges

      public void synchronizeOfflineChanges(Collection<ChangeRecord> changes)
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Synchronizes changes that have occurred to server data while the server was offline. This may happen when the server detects that the schema has been updated while the server was offline or if new symmetric keys have been added, e.g. when performing an offline encrypted backup or import.

      At the time this method is called, the changes will have already been applied to the local server. As such, this method must make a best effort attempt to process the associated changes, and is not allowed to throw any exceptions.

      Specified by:
      synchronizeOfflineChanges in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      changes - The set of changes that have been made to the server while it was offline.
    • processBackupBegin

      public void processBackupBegin(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Description copied from interface: BackupTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary just before the server begins processing on a backup task. This may include flushing any outstanding writes to disk so they are included in the backup and/or pausing interaction with the provided backend while the backup is in progress.
      Specified by:
      processBackupBegin in interface BackupTaskListener
      backend - The backend to be archived.
    • processBackupEnd

      public void processBackupEnd(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Description copied from interface: BackupTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary after the server has completed processing on a backup task. Note that this will always be called when backup processing completes, regardless of whether it was successful.
      Specified by:
      processBackupEnd in interface BackupTaskListener
      backend - The backend that was archived.
    • processRestoreBegin

      public void processRestoreBegin(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Description copied from interface: RestoreTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary just before the server begins processing on a restore task. This should include pausing interaction with the provided backend while the restore is in progress.
      Specified by:
      processRestoreBegin in interface RestoreTaskListener
      backend - The backend to be restored.
    • processRestoreEnd

      public void processRestoreEnd(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Description copied from interface: RestoreTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary after the server has completed processing on a restore task. Note that this will always be called when restore processing completes, regardless of whether it was successful.
      Specified by:
      processRestoreEnd in interface RestoreTaskListener
      backend - The backend that was restored.
    • processImportBegin

      public void processImportBegin(LocalBackend<?> backend, LDIFImportConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: ImportTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary just before the server begins processing on an LDIF import task. This should include pausing interaction with the provided backend while the import is in progress.
      Specified by:
      processImportBegin in interface ImportTaskListener
      backend - The backend to be imported.
      config - Configuration information about the LDIF import to be performed.
    • processImportEnd

      public void processImportEnd(LocalBackend<?> backend, LDIFImportConfig config, boolean successful)
      Description copied from interface: ImportTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary after the server has completed processing on an LDIF import task. Note that this will always be called when import processing completes, regardless of whether it was successful.
      Specified by:
      processImportEnd in interface ImportTaskListener
      backend - The backend that was imported.
      config - Configuration information about the LDIF import that was performed.
      successful - Indicates whether the import operation completed successfully.
    • processExportBegin

      public void processExportBegin(LocalBackend<?> backend, LDIFExportConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: ExportTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary just before the server begins processing on an LDIF export task. This may include flushing any outstanding writes to disk so they are included in the export and/or pausing interaction with the provided backend while the export is in progress.
      Specified by:
      processExportBegin in interface ExportTaskListener
      backend - The backend to be exported.
      config - Configuration information about the LDIF export to be performed.
    • processExportEnd

      public void processExportEnd(LocalBackend<?> backend, LDIFExportConfig config, boolean successful)
      Description copied from interface: ExportTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary after the server has completed processing on an LDIF export task. Note that this will always be called when export processing completes, regardless of whether it was successful.
      Specified by:
      processExportEnd in interface ExportTaskListener
      backend - The backend that was exported.
      config - Configuration information about the LDIF export that was performed.
      successful - Indicates whether the export operation completed successfully.
    • applyConfigurationDelete

      public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationDelete(ReplicationDomainCfg configuration)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationDeleteListener
      Deletes an existing configuration from this delete listener.
      Specified by:
      applyConfigurationDelete in interface ConfigurationDeleteListener<ReplicationDomainCfg>
      configuration - The existing configuration that will be deleted.
      Returns information about the result of deleting the configuration.
    • isConfigurationDeleteAcceptable

      public boolean isConfigurationDeleteAcceptable(ReplicationDomainCfg configuration, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationDeleteListener
      Indicates whether the proposed deletion of an existing configuration is acceptable to this delete listener.
      Specified by:
      isConfigurationDeleteAcceptable in interface ConfigurationDeleteListener<ReplicationDomainCfg>
      configuration - The configuration that will be deleted.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      Returns true if the proposed deletion is acceptable, or false if it is not.
    • isConfigurationChangeAcceptable

      public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationChangeListener
      Indicates whether the proposed change to the configuration is acceptable to this change listener.
      Specified by:
      isConfigurationChangeAcceptable in interface ConfigurationChangeListener<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      cfg - The new configuration containing the changes.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      Returns true if the proposed change is acceptable, or false if it is not.
    • applyConfigurationChange

      public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg configuration)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationChangeListener
      Applies the configuration changes to this change listener.
      Specified by:
      applyConfigurationChange in interface ConfigurationChangeListener<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
      configuration - The new configuration containing the changes.
      Returns information about the result of changing the configuration.
    • completeSynchronizationProvider

      public void completeSynchronizationProvider()
      Description copied from class: SynchronizationProvider
      Performs any necessary final initialization processing for this synchronization provider. This will be called just after the provider has been registered with the server but before it has been unloaded.
      completeSynchronizationProvider in class SynchronizationProvider<ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfg>
    • getHealthStatus

      public HealthStatus getHealthStatus()
      Description copied from interface: HealthStatusProvider
      Returns the HealthStatus for the underlying component.
      Specified by:
      getHealthStatus in interface HealthStatusProvider
      The HealthStatus.
    • getDomainDns

      public static Collection<Dn> getDomainDns()
      Returns the DNs of the replication domains.
      the DNs of the replication domains.
    • getConnectionTimeoutMS

      public static int getConnectionTimeoutMS()
      Returns the connection timeout in milli-seconds.
      The connection timeout in milli-seconds.
    • getUnreachableReplicationServers

      public static MultimasterReplication.UnreachableReplicationServers getUnreachableReplicationServers(int numberOfRSes)
      Returns temporarily unreachable Replication Servers.
      numberOfRSes - the number of replication servers currently active
      temporarily unreachable Replication Servers
    • resetUnreachableReplicationServers

      public static void resetUnreachableReplicationServers()
      Resets the state of the unreachable replication servers to empty.
    • notifyReplicaOfflineMsgHasBeenSentByDS

      public void notifyReplicaOfflineMsgHasBeenSentByDS(Dn baseDn)
      Description copied from interface: ShutdownSynchronizer
      Notifies an offline message has been sent by the DS for the provided domain.
      Specified by:
      notifyReplicaOfflineMsgHasBeenSentByDS in interface ShutdownSynchronizer
      baseDn - the domain for which the offline message has been sent.
    • notifyReplicaOfflineMsgHasBeenForwardedToRS

      public void notifyReplicaOfflineMsgHasBeenForwardedToRS(Dn baseDn)
      Description copied from interface: ShutdownSynchronizer
      Notifies the offline message for the provided domain has been forwarded to a RS.
      Specified by:
      notifyReplicaOfflineMsgHasBeenForwardedToRS in interface ShutdownSynchronizer
      baseDn - the domain for which the offline message has been forwarded.
    • waitForReplicaOfflineMessageToBeForwardedToRS

      public void waitForReplicaOfflineMessageToBeForwardedToRS(Dn baseDn)
      Description copied from interface: ShutdownSynchronizer
      Waits until a Replication Server can proceed with shutdown.

      The shutdown can be performed only when the offline message have been forwarded to all remote replications servers, or if the timeout has been reached.

      Specified by:
      waitForReplicaOfflineMessageToBeForwardedToRS in interface ShutdownSynchronizer
      baseDn - the domain for which the offline message should be forwarded.
    • clearReplicaOfflineMsgNotifications

      public void clearReplicaOfflineMsgNotifications(Dn baseDn)
      Description copied from interface: ShutdownSynchronizer
      Clear the notifications for the provided domain. In other words, reset the counter of offline messages to forward to remote replication servers to zero.

      If the synchronization has failed or must be aborted for any reason, this method allows to reset the synchronizer to a clean state. For example, if a ReplicaOfflineMsg is ignored due to a DS in a bad data status, the shutdown for the peer DS should not wait for the forwarding of the message to other replication servers.

      Specified by:
      clearReplicaOfflineMsgNotifications in interface ShutdownSynchronizer
      baseDn - the domain for which the notifications must be cleared