Class IdentifierQueryResourceHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • IdentifierQueryResourceHandler

        public IdentifierQueryResourceHandler​(String id)
        Creates a new QueryResourceHandler for the given identifier.
        id - Identifier to query for
    • Method Detail

      • handleResource

        public boolean handleResource​(ResourceResponse resource)
        Description copied from interface: QueryResourceHandler
        Invoked each time a matching JSON resource is returned from a query request. More specifically, if a query request matches 10 resources, then this method will be invoked 10 times, once for each matching resource.

        Refer to RequestHandler.handleQuery(, QueryRequest, QueryResourceHandler) for information regarding the concurrency and the order in which events are processed.

        Specified by:
        handleResource in interface QueryResourceHandler
        resource - The matching JSON resource.
        true if this handler should continue to be notified of any remaining matching JSON resources, or false if the remaining JSON resources should be skipped for some reason (e.g. a client side size limit has been reached).
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Gets the identifier being queried for.