Interface ResourceResponse

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ResourceResponse
    extends Response
    A resource, comprising of a resource ID, a revision (etag), and its JSON content.
    • Field Detail

      • FIELD_ID

        static final String FIELD_ID
        The name of the field which contains the resource ID in the JSON representation.

        Note: when encoding the resource ID as part of a resource's content the field name FIELD_CONTENT_ID should be used.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_REVISION
        The name of the field which contains the resource version in the JSON representation.

        Note: when encoding the resource revision as part of a resource's content the field name FIELD_CONTENT_REVISION should be used.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_CONTENT_ID
        The name of the field in the resource content which contains the resource ID. This field is semantically equivalent to FIELD_ID and is intended for use in cases where a commons REST API wishes to expose the resource ID as part of the resource content.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_CONTENT_REVISION
        The name of the field in the resource content which contains the resource revision. This field is semantically equivalent to FIELD_REVISION and is intended for use in cases where a commons REST API wishes to expose the resource revision as part of the resource content.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_CONTENT
        The name of the field which contains the resource content in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getContent

        JsonValue getContent()
        Returns the JSON content of this resource.
        The JSON content of this resource.
      • getId

        String getId()
        Returns the ID of this resource, if applicable.
        The ID of this resource, or null if this resource does not have an ID.
      • getRevision

        String getRevision()
        Returns the revision of this resource, if known.
        The revision of this resource, or null if the version is not known.
      • getFields

        List<JsonPointer> getFields()
        Returns the list of fields which should be included in this JSON resource after field filtering has occurred. This list will override the list of fields that is included in the request. An empty list indicates that the original list of fields in the request should be used for filtering the response.
        The list of fields which should be included in this JSON resource after field filtering has occurred.
      • hasFields

        boolean hasFields()
        Returns true if any fields have been added, indicating that the list of fields in this response should be included in this JSON resource after field filtering has occurred, otherwise returns false indicating that the original list of fields in the request should be used for filtering the response.
        true if any fields have been added, false otherwise.
      • addField

        void addField​(JsonPointer... fields)
        Adds a field to the list of fields which should be included in this JSON resource after field filtering has occurred. This list will override the list of fields that is included in the request.
        fields - a JsonPointer representing the field to add.
      • setCacheControl

        default ResourceResponse setCacheControl​(ResponseCacheControl cacheControl)
        Sets the cache control for this response.
        cacheControl - the cache controls to apply to this response.
        this resource response.
      • equals

        boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Returns true if the provided object is a resource having the same resource ID and revision as this resource.

        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for this resource. Two resources are guaranteed to have the same hash code if they share the same resource ID and revision.

        hashCode in class Object