Interface QueryRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface QueryRequest
    extends Request
    A request to search for all JSON resources matching a user specified set of criteria.

    There are four types of query request:

    • default query: when neither a filter, expression or query ID are specified all resources will be returned
    • query by filter: returns all resources which match the QueryFilters specified using setQueryFilter(QueryFilter)
    • query by ID: returns all resources which match the named prepared query specified using setQueryId(String)
    • query by expression: returns all resources which match a native expression specified using setQueryExpression(String). Note that this type of query should only be used in very rare cases since it introduces a tight coupling between the application and the underlying JSON resource. In addition, applications should take care to prevent users from directly accessing this form of query for security reasons.

    In addition to the above mentioned query types queries may also be paged when a page size is found via getPageSize(). Paged requests should be used in most cases when an unknown number of query results will be returned.

    • Field Detail


        static final String FIELD_PAGED_RESULTS_COOKIE
        The name of the field which contains the paged results cookie in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_PAGED_RESULTS_OFFSET
        The name of the field which contains the paged results offset in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_PAGE_SIZE
        The name of the field which contains the page size in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_QUERY_EXPRESSION
        The name of the field which contains the query expression in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_QUERY_FILTER
        The name of the field which contains the query filter in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_QUERY_ID
        The name of the field which contains the query ID in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_SORT_KEYS
        The name of the field which contains the sort keys in the JSON representation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_TOTAL_PAGED_RESULTS_POLICY
        The name of the field which contains the policy used for calculating the total number of paged results.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String FIELD_COUNT_ONLY
        The name of the field which specifies whether the query request is to return only the count of the results.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        <R,​P> R accept​(RequestVisitor<R,​P> v,
                             P p)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Applies a RequestVisitor to this Request.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface Request
        Type Parameters:
        R - The return type of the visitor's methods.
        P - The type of the additional parameters to the visitor's methods.
        v - The request visitor.
        p - Optional additional visitor parameter.
        A result as specified by the visitor.
      • addField

        QueryRequest addField​(JsonPointer... fields)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Adds one or more fields which should be included with each JSON resource returned by this request.
        Specified by:
        addField in interface Request
        fields - The fields which should be included with each JSON resource returned by this request.
        This request.
      • addField

        QueryRequest addField​(String... fields)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Adds one or more fields which should be included with each JSON resource returned by this request.
        Specified by:
        addField in interface Request
        fields - The fields which should be included with each JSON resource returned by this request.
        This request.
      • addSortKey

        QueryRequest addSortKey​(SortKey... keys)
        Adds one or more sort keys which will be used for ordering the JSON resources returned by this query request.
        keys - The sort keys which will be used for ordering the JSON resources returned by this query request.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the sort keys.
      • addSortKey

        QueryRequest addSortKey​(String... keys)
        Adds one or more sort keys which will be used for ordering the JSON resources returned by this query request.
        keys - The sort keys which will be used for ordering the JSON resources returned by this query request.
        This query request.
        IllegalArgumentException - If one or more of the provided sort keys could not be parsed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the sort keys.
      • getAdditionalParameter

        String getAdditionalParameter​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Returns the additional parameter which should be used to control the behavior of this action request.
        Specified by:
        getAdditionalParameter in interface Request
        name - The name of the additional parameter.
        The additional parameter which should be used to control the behavior of this action request
      • getAdditionalParameters

        Map<String,​String> getAdditionalParameters()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Returns the additional parameters which should be used to control the behavior of this action request. The returned map may be modified if permitted by this action request.
        Specified by:
        getAdditionalParameters in interface Request
        The additional parameters which should be used to control the behavior of this action request (never null).
      • getFields

        List<JsonPointer> getFields()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Returns the list of fields which should be included with each JSON resource returned by this request. The returned list may be modified if permitted by this query request. An empty list indicates that all fields should be included.

        NOTE: field filtering alters the structure of a JSON resource and MUST only be performed once while processing a request. It is therefore the responsibility of front-end implementations (e.g. HTTP listeners, Servlets, etc) to perform field filtering. Request handler and resource provider implementations SHOULD NOT filter fields, but MAY choose to optimise their processing in order to return a resource containing only the fields targeted by the field filters.

        Specified by:
        getFields in interface Request
        The list of fields which should be included with each JSON resource returned by this request (never null).
      • getPageSize

        int getPageSize()
        Returns the requested page results page size or 0 if paged results are not required. For all paged result requests other than the initial request, a cookie should be provided with the query request. See getPagedResultsCookie() for more information.
        The requested page results page size or 0 if paged results are not required.
        See Also:
        getPagedResultsCookie(), getPagedResultsOffset()
      • pagingRequested

        default boolean pagingRequested()
        Returns whether paged results are requested.
        true if paged results are requested, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • getPagedResultsCookie

        String getPagedResultsCookie()
        Returns the opaque cookie which is used by the resource provider to track its position in the set of query results. Paged results will be enabled if and only if the page size is non-zero.

        The cookie must be null in the initial query request sent by the client. For subsequent query requests the client must include the cookie returned with the previous query result, until the resource provider returns a null cookie indicating that the final page of results has been returned.

        Note: Cookies and offsets are mutually exclusive.

        The opaque cookie which is used by the resource provider to track its position in the set of query results, or null if paged results are not requested (when the page size is 0) or if the first page of results is being requested (when the page size is non-zero).
        See Also:
        pagingRequested(), getPageSize(), getPagedResultsOffset()
      • getPagedResultsOffset

        int getPagedResultsOffset()
        Returns the zero-based index of the first resource which should be included in the query results. An offset of 0 (default) will return the first resource in the collection. An offset of 1 will return the second, and so on ...

        Note: Offsets and cookies are mutually exclusive. When a cookie is supplied only the default 0 offset is supported.

        Offset must be a zero-based integer denoting the number of records to skip. This is very similar to the LIMIT and SKIP clauses in SQL databases.

        The zero-based index within the result set of the first result which should be returned.
        See Also:
        pagingRequested(), getPageSize(), getPagedResultsCookie()
      • getPreferredLocales

        PreferredLocales getPreferredLocales()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Get the locale preference for the request.
        Specified by:
        getPreferredLocales in interface Request
        The PreferredLocales instance for the request.
      • getQueryExpression

        String getQueryExpression()
        Returns the native query expression which will be used for processing the query request. An example of a native query expression is a SQL statement.

        NOTE: the native query expression, query filter, and query ID parameters are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be specified.

        The native query expression which will be used for processing the query request, or null if another type of query is to be performed.
        See Also:
        getQueryFilter(), getQueryId()
      • getQueryFilter

        QueryFilter<JsonPointer> getQueryFilter()
        Returns the query filter which will be used for selecting which JSON resources will be returned.

        NOTE: the native query expression, query filter, and query ID parameters are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be specified.

        The query filter which will be used for selecting which JSON resources will be returned, or null if another type of query is to be performed.
        See Also:
        getQueryExpression(), getQueryId()
      • getQueryId

        String getQueryId()
        Returns the query identifier for pre-defined queries.

        NOTE: the native query expression, query filter, and query ID parameters are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be specified.

        The query identifier for pre-defined queries, or null if a pre-defined query is not to be used, or null if another type of query is to be performed.
        See Also:
        getQueryExpression(), getQueryFilter()
      • getRequestType

        RequestType getRequestType()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Returns the type of this request.
        Specified by:
        getRequestType in interface Request
        The type of this request.
      • getResourcePath

        String getResourcePath()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Returns the non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted. The resource path is relative and never begins or ends with a forward slash, but may be empty.

        NOTE: for resource provider implementations the resource path is relative to the current resource being accessed. See the description of UriRouterContext for more information.

        Specified by:
        getResourcePath in interface Request
        The non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted, which may be the empty string.
      • getResourcePathObject

        ResourcePath getResourcePathObject()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Returns the non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted. The resource path is relative and never begins or ends with a forward slash, but may be empty.

        NOTE: for resource provider implementations the resource path is relative to the current resource being accessed. See the description of UriRouterContext for more information.

        Specified by:
        getResourcePathObject in interface Request
        The non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted, which may be the empty string.
      • getResourceVersion

        Version getResourceVersion()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Gets the requested API version of the resource.
        Specified by:
        getResourceVersion in interface Request
        The requested API version of the resource.
      • getSortKeys

        List<SortKey> getSortKeys()
        Returns the sort keys which should be used for ordering the JSON resources returned by this query request. The returned list may be modified if permitted by this query request.
        The sort keys which should be used for ordering the JSON resources returned by this query request (never null).
      • isCountOnly

        boolean isCountOnly()
        Return if the request should only return resource count.
        whether the request should only return the resource count.
      • setAdditionalParameter

        QueryRequest setAdditionalParameter​(String name,
                                            String value)
                                     throws BadRequestException
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Sets an additional parameter which should be used to control the behavior of this action request.
        Specified by:
        setAdditionalParameter in interface Request
        name - The name of the additional parameter.
        value - The additional parameter's value.
        This request.
        BadRequestException - If this request does not permit the additional parameter to be set.
      • setPageSize

        QueryRequest setPageSize​(int size)
        Sets the requested page results page size or 0 if paged results are not required. For all paged result requests other than the initial request, a cookie should be provided with the query request. See setPagedResultsCookie(String) for more information.
        size - The requested page results page size or 0 if paged results are not required.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the page size.
        See Also:
        getPagedResultsCookie(), setPagedResultsOffset(int)
      • setPagedResultsCookie

        QueryRequest setPagedResultsCookie​(String cookie)
        Sets the opaque cookie which is used by the resource provider to track its position in the set of query results. Paged results will be enabled if and only if the page size is non-zero.

        The cookie must be null in the initial query request sent by the client. For subsequent query requests the client must include the cookie returned with the previous query result, until the resource provider returns a null cookie indicating that the final page of results has been returned.

        When subsequent paged requests are being made no query parameters may be altered; doing so will result in undefined behavior. The only parameter that may be changed during paged requests is the page size.

        cookie - The opaque cookie which is used by the resource provider to track its position in the set of query results.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the paged results cookie.
        See Also:
        setPageSize(int), addSortKey(SortKey...), addSortKey(String...)
      • setPagedResultsOffset

        QueryRequest setPagedResultsOffset​(int offset)
        Sets the zero-based index of the first resource which should be included in the query results. An offset of 0 (default) will return the first resource in the collection. An offset of 1 will return the second, and so on ...

        Note: Offsets and cookies are mutually exclusive. When a cookie is supplied only the default 0 offset is supported.

        Offset must be a zero-based integer denoting the number of records to skip. This is very similar to the LIMIT and SKIP clauses in SQL databases.

        offset - The index within the result set of the first result which should be returned.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the paged results offset.
        See Also:
        setPageSize(int), setPagedResultsCookie(String)
      • setPreferredLocales

        QueryRequest setPreferredLocales​(PreferredLocales preferredLocales)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Set the locale preference for the request.
        Specified by:
        setPreferredLocales in interface Request
        preferredLocales - The PreferredLocales instance for the request.
        This request.
      • setQueryExpression

        QueryRequest setQueryExpression​(String expression)
        Sets the native query expression which will be used for processing the query request. An example of a native query expression is a SQL statement.

        NOTE: the native query expression, query filter, and query ID parameters are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be specified.

        expression - The native query expression which will be used for processing the query request, or null if another type of query is to be performed.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the query identifier.
        See Also:
        setQueryFilter(QueryFilter), setQueryId(String)
      • setQueryFilter

        QueryRequest setQueryFilter​(QueryFilter<JsonPointer> filter)
        Sets the query filter which will be used for selecting which JSON resources will be returned.

        NOTE: the native query expression, query filter, and query ID parameters are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be specified.

        filter - The query filter which will be used for selecting which JSON resources will be returned, or null if another type of query is to be performed.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the query filter.
        See Also:
        setQueryExpression(String), setQueryId(String)
      • setQueryId

        QueryRequest setQueryId​(String id)
        Sets the query identifier for pre-defined queries.

        NOTE: the native query expression, query filter, and query ID parameters are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be specified.

        id - The query identifier for pre-defined queries, or null if another type of query is to be performed.
        This query request.
        UnsupportedOperationException - If this query request does not permit changes to the query identifier.
        See Also:
        setQueryExpression(String), setQueryFilter(QueryFilter)
      • setResourcePath

        QueryRequest setResourcePath​(ResourcePath path)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Sets the non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted. The resource path is relative and never begins or ends with a forward slash, but may be empty.

        NOTE: for resource provider implementations the resource path is relative to the current resource being accessed. See the description of UriRouterContext for more information.

        Specified by:
        setResourcePath in interface Request
        path - The non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted, which may be the empty string.
        This request.
      • setResourcePath

        QueryRequest setResourcePath​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Sets the non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted. The resource path is relative and never begins or ends with a forward slash, but may be empty.

        NOTE: for resource provider implementations the resource path is relative to the current resource being accessed. See the description of UriRouterContext for more information.

        Specified by:
        setResourcePath in interface Request
        path - The non-null path of the JSON resource to which this request should be targeted, which may be the empty string. The path should be URL-encoded.
        This request.
      • setResourceVersion

        QueryRequest setResourceVersion​(Version resourceVersion)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Sets the requested API version of the resource.
        Specified by:
        setResourceVersion in interface Request
        resourceVersion - The requested API version of the resource.
        This request.
      • setCountOnly

        QueryRequest setCountOnly​(boolean countOnly)
        Sets whether the request was to only provide a count of the query results.
        countOnly - whether to return result count only.
        this query request
      • toJsonValue

        JsonValue toJsonValue()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Return a JsonValue representation of this request.
        Specified by:
        toJsonValue in interface Request
        this request as a JsonValue