Class LeftValueExpression<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - expected result type

    public final class LeftValueExpression<T>
    extends Expression<T>
    A LeftValueExpression is a specialized Expression to which we can assign a value.
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static <T> LeftValueExpression<T> valueOf​(String expression,
                                                         Class<T> expectedType)
                                                  throws ExpressionException
        Factory method to create a LeftValueExpression.
        Type Parameters:
        T - expected result type
        expression - The expression to parse.
        expectedType - The expected result type of the expression.
        An expression based on the given string.
        ExpressionException - if the expression was not syntactically correct or not a left-value expression.
      • set

        public void set​(Bindings bindings,
                        Object value)
        Sets the result of an expression to a specified value. The expression is treated as an lvalue, the expression resolves to an object whose value will be set. If the expression does not resolve to an object or cannot otherwise be written to (e.g. read-only), then this method will have no effect.
        bindings - the bindings to evaluate the expression within.
        value - the value to set in the result of the expression evaluation.