Interface Resource

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        String getType()
        Returns the media type of this resource.
        the media type of this resource.
      • getLastModified

        long getLastModified()
        Returns the timestamp when the resource has been last modified (expressed in TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).
        the timestamp when the resource has been last modified (ms)
      • hasChangedSince

        boolean hasChangedSince​(long sinceTime)
        Returns true if the resource has changed since the given timestamp (expressed in ms).
        sinceTime - timestamp to compare with this resource's last modified timestamp.
        true if the resource has changed since the given timestamp (expressed in ms).
      • getSize

        Optional<Long> getSize()
        Returns the size of the resource, when known.
        The size of the resource, when known, otherwise an empty optional