Class AmService.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(Handler amHandler,
                       Clock clock,
                       String agentId,
                       String cookieName,
                       AmVersion version,
                       UriService uriService,
                       AsyncRefreshableSupplier<SsoToken,​AuthenticationException> tokenProvider)
        Create a Builder instance with every mandatory parameters.
        amHandler - the Handler to use to query AM
        clock - the clock to use
        agentId - the ID identifying this AMService instance as an agent
        cookieName - the AM session cookie name
        version - the AM version
        uriService - the URI service to use
        tokenProvider - an AM token provider
    • Method Detail

      • sessionIdleRefresh

        public AmService.Builder sessionIdleRefresh​(boolean enabled,
                                                    Duration interval)
        Enable or disable the session idle refresh service and set the refresh interval.
        enabled - true if the session idle refresh should be enabled or false otherwise.
        interval - The interval between session idle refresh requests, when session idle refresh is enabled.
        this builder.
      • sessionCache

        public AmService.Builder sessionCache​(com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine<Object,​Object> caffeine,
                                              Duration maximumTimeout,
                                              DisconnectionStrategy disconnectionStrategy)
        Specifies the Caffeine cache for the CacheSessionService. If the cache is set to null, no cache will be used.
        caffeine - The Caffeine cache. If the cache is null, then the cache will be disabled.
        maximumTimeout - The maximum time to cache a session; can be null.
        disconnectionStrategy - The strategy to apply in case of notifications' disconnection.
        this builder.
      • sessionProperties

        public AmService.Builder sessionProperties​(Set<String> sessionProperties)
        Set the session properties and return this builder.
        sessionProperties - The session properties that will be requested from the sessionInfo endpoint of the session service.
        this builder.
      • notification

        public AmService.Builder notification​(NotificationsConfig config)
        Specifies the notification configurations. If not used the notifications are considered disabled.
        config - the notifications configurations
        this builder.