Class RequestAuditContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RequestAuditContext
    extends AbstractContext
    A context for audit information for an incoming request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestAuditContext

        public RequestAuditContext​(Context parent)
        Prefer using RequestAuditContext(Context, Instant) not to rely on the system clock.
        Constructs a new context using the specified parent and the current time as the request received time.
        parent - The parent context.
      • RequestAuditContext

        public RequestAuditContext​(Context parent,
                                   Clock clock)
        Constructs a new context using the specified parent and the current time as the request received time.
        parent - The parent context.
        clock - The instance of Clock to use.
      • RequestAuditContext

        public RequestAuditContext​(Context parent,
                                   Instant requestReceivedTime)
        Constructs a new context using the specified parent and the current time as the request received time.
        parent - The parent context.
        requestReceivedTime - The time at which the request was received.
      • RequestAuditContext

        public RequestAuditContext​(JsonValue savedContext,
                                   ClassLoader classLoader)
        Restores a saved context.
        savedContext - The saved state.
        classLoader - The ClassLoader to use.
    • Method Detail

      • addTrackingId

        public void addTrackingId​(String trackingId)
        Adds a tracking ID to the context. If already present, it will be ignored. Note that trackingIds will not be serialized if empty.
        trackingId - The tracking ID to add.
      • getTrackingIds

        public Set<String> getTrackingIds()
        Get all tracking IDs stored in this context. This is an unmodifiable collection.
        The tracking IDs stored in this context.
      • setUserId

        public void setUserId​(String userId)
        Set the user ID on the context. This supports setting the user ID once it is known to the system, for example after sign-on. Note that userId will not be serialized if null.
        userId - the user ID
      • getUserId

        public String getUserId()
        Get the user ID stored in this context.
        the user ID
      • getRequestReceivedTime

        public long getRequestReceivedTime()
        Get the time in milliseconds since the epoch that the request was received.
        The request received time.