Class NeverThrowsException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class NeverThrowsException
    extends RuntimeException
    The NeverThrowsException class is an uninstantiable placeholder exception which should be used for indicating that a Function or AsyncFunction never throws an exception (i.e. the function cannot fail).
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • neverThrown

        public static <V,​E extends ExceptionFunction<NeverThrowsException,​V,​E> neverThrown()
        Utility method returning an empty function, whose goal is to ease the transformation of a Promise type. Its main usage will be as the second argument in Promise.then(Function, Function). The implementation of this function is just to throw an IllegalStateException : but it will never be invoked as an Exception of type NeverThrowsException will never be thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        V - The expected type of that function
        E - The new Exception that can be thrown by this function.
        a function that will throw an IllegalStateException : but it will never be invoked as an Exception of type NeverThrowsException will never be thrown.
      • neverThrownAsync

        public static <V,​E extends ExceptionAsyncFunction<NeverThrowsException,​V,​E> neverThrownAsync()
        Utility method returning an empty function, whose goal is to ease the transformation of a Promise type. Its main usage will be as the second argument in Promise.thenAsync(AsyncFunction, AsyncFunction). The implementation of this function is just to return a promise of an IllegalStateException : but it will never be invoked as an Exception of type NeverThrowsException will never be thrown.
        Type Parameters:
        V - The expected type of that function
        E - The new Exception that can be thrown by this function.
        an async function that will throw an IllegalStateException : but it will never be invoked as an Exception of type NeverThrowsException will never be thrown.