Enum Class SupportedEllipticCurve

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<SupportedEllipticCurve>, Constable

public enum SupportedEllipticCurve extends Enum<SupportedEllipticCurve>
Enumerates all supported elliptic curve parameters for ESXXX signature formats.
  • Enum Constant Details

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getParameters

      public AlgorithmParameterSpec getParameters()
      Returns the parameters for the given elliptic curve.
      the elliptic curve algorithm parameters.
    • getStandardName

      public String getStandardName()
      Return the name of the curve as used for the "crv" claim in a JWK.
      the standard JWA name for the curve.
    • getSignatureSize

      public int getSignatureSize()
      Returns the size of the signature produced by this curve in octets.
      the number of octets (bytes) required to hold a signature of this curve.
    • getJwsAlgorithm

      public JwsAlgorithm getJwsAlgorithm()
      Returns the JwsAlgorithm that corresponds to this elliptic curve.
      the corresponding JwsAlgorithm.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Enum<SupportedEllipticCurve>
    • forName

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve forName(String curveName)
      Returns the curve parameters for the given standard curve name (crv claim in a JWK).
      curveName - the curve name.
      the curve parameters for the name.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the curve name is not supported.
    • forKey

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve forKey(Key key, String use)
      Determines the standard curve that matches the given (private or public) key. This is done by comparing the key parameters for an exact match against one of the standard curves. All parameters much match for a match to succeed.
      key - the private or public key to determine the curve for.
      use - the intended use of the curve.
      the matching supported curve parameters.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the key does not match any supported curve parameters.
    • forKey

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve forKey(Key key)
      Determines the standard curve that matches the given (private or public) key. This is done by comparing the key parameters for an exact match against one of the standard curves. All parameters much match for a match to succeed. Any curve suitable for encryption (key agreement) will be returned.
      key - the private or public key to determine the curve for.
      the matching supported curve parameters.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the key does not match any supported curve parameters.
    • forSignature

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve forSignature(byte[] signature, JwsAlgorithmType type)
      Determines the supported curve parameters for the given signature. This is done purely based on the length of the signature and the behaviour is not specified if multiple curves could have produced this signature.
      signature - the signature to match.
      type - the type of signature.
      the curve that produced this signature.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the signature does not match any supported curve parameters.
    • forSignature

      public static SupportedEllipticCurve forSignature(byte[] signature)
      Determines the supported curve parameters for the given ECDSA signature. This is done purely based on the length of the signature and the behaviour is not specified if multiple curves could have produced this signature.
      signature - the signature to match.
      the curve that produced this signature.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the signature does not match any supported curve parameters.
    • getJwkType

      public KeyType getJwkType()
      Returns the type of JWK that is used for this elliptic curve. The NIST prime-order standard curves use EcJWKs, while the newer X25519/X448 and related curves use OkpJWKs.
      either OKP or EC depending on the type of elliptic curve.
    • validate

      public boolean validate(PublicKey publicKey)
      Validates that the given public key is on this curve.
      publicKey - the public key to validate.
      true if the public key represents a valid point on this curve, otherwise false.
    • getKeyAgreementAlgorithm

      public String getKeyAgreementAlgorithm()
      Determines the Java KeyAgreement algorithm to use for this curve.
      the key agreement algorithm to use with this curve or null if this curve is not intended for key agreement.
    • getKeyGenerationAlgorithm

      public String getKeyGenerationAlgorithm()
      Determines the Java KeyPairGenerator algorithm to use for this curve.
      the key generation algorithm to use for this curve.
    • isXDHCurve

      public boolean isXDHCurve()
      Determines whether this curve is intended for use with X-Diffie-Hellman (XDH) key agreement (X25519 or X448). This is an efficient variant on ECDH implemented by modern curves.
      whether this curve is intended for XDH key agreement.