Interface QueryResponse

All Superinterfaces:

public interface QueryResponse extends Response
The final result of a query request returned after all resources matching the request have been returned. In addition to indicating that no more resources are to be returned by the query, the query result will contain page results state information if result paging has been enabled for the query.
  • Field Details


      static final String FIELD_ERROR
      The name of the field which contains the error in the JSON representation.
      See Also:

      static final String FIELD_TOTAL_PAGED_RESULTS_POLICY
      The name of the field which contains the policy used for calculating the total number of paged results in the JSON representation.
      See Also:

      static final String FIELD_TOTAL_PAGED_RESULTS
      The name of the field which contains the total paged results in the JSON representation.
      See Also:

      static final String FIELD_REMAINING_PAGED_RESULTS
      The name of the field which contains the remaining paged results in the JSON representation.
      See Also:

      static final String FIELD_RESULT_COUNT
      The name of the field which contains the result count in the JSON representation.
      See Also:

      static final String FIELD_RESULT
      The name of the field which contains the array of matching resources in the JSON representation.
      See Also:
    • NO_COUNT

      static final int NO_COUNT
      The value provided when no count is known or can reasonably be supplied.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getTotalPagedResultsPolicy

      CountPolicy getTotalPagedResultsPolicy()
      Returns the policy that was used to calculate the totalPagedResults.
      The count policy.
      See Also:
    • getPagedResultsCookie

      String getPagedResultsCookie()
      Returns the opaque cookie which can be used for the next cookie-based paged request. A cookie will only be returned if paged results have been requested via a non-zero pageSize. Cookies are only guaranteed for QueryFilter-based queries. Implicit sorting may be supported by the resource provider but it is not required. Given the arbitrary nature of query expressions (and expression-backed queryIds) there can be no guarantee made of cookie support for these queries.

      Note:Cookies have a limited lifespan. They should not be stored long-term. Cookies should only be used on immediate subsequent requests or behavior is undefined.

      The opaque cookie which should be used with the next cookie-based paged results query request, or null if paged results were not requested, there are no more pages to be returned, or cookies are not supported for this query.
      See Also:
    • getTotalPagedResults

      int getTotalPagedResults()
      Returns the total number of paged results in adherence with the QueryRequest.getTotalPagedResultsPolicy() in the request or NO_COUNT if paged results were not requested, the count policy is NONE, or the total number of paged results is unknown.
      A count of the total number of paged results to be returned in subsequent paged results query requests, or NO_COUNT if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of paged results is unknown.
    • getRemainingPagedResults

      int getRemainingPagedResults()
      Returns an estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results query requests.
      An estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results query requests, or -1 if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of remaining results is unknown.
    • asPromise

      Return this response as a result Promise.
      A Promise whose result is this QueryResponse object.
    • setCacheControl

      default QueryResponse setCacheControl(ResponseCacheControl cacheControl)
      Sets the cache control for this response.
      cacheControl - the cache controls to apply to this response.
      this query response.