Class HeapImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class HeapImpl extends Object implements Heap
The concrete implementation of a heap. Provides methods to initialize and destroy a heap. A Heap can be part of a heap hierarchy: if the queried object is not found locally, and if it has a parent, the parent will be queried (and this, recursively until there is no parent anymore).
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected org.forgerock.config.resolvers.PropertyResolver
    Resolves tokens.
  • Constructor Summary

    HeapImpl(HeapImpl parent, Name name)
    Builds a new heap that is a child of the given heap.
    HeapImpl(HeapImpl parent, Name name, org.forgerock.config.resolvers.PropertyResolver propertyResolver)
    Builds a new heap that is a child of the given heap.
    HeapImpl(Name name)
    Builds a root heap (will be referenced by children but has no parent itself).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Add a default JsonValue object declaration in this heap.
    Destroys the objects on the heap and dereferences all associated objects.
    <T> T
    get(String name, Class<T> type)
    Returns an object from the heap with a specified name, or null if no such object exists.
    Returns the Handler object referenced by the handler top-level attribute.
    Returns the name of this heap.
    Returns the properties from this heap and its parents if any.
    init(JsonValue originalConfig, String... reservedFieldNames)
    Initializes the heap using the given configuration.
    put(String name, Object object)
    Puts an object into the heap.
    put(String heapKey, String name, Object object)
    Puts an object into the heap.
    <T> T
    resolve(JsonValue reference, Class<T> type)
    Resolves a mandatory object with the specified reference.
    <T> T
    resolve(JsonValue reference, Class<T> type, boolean optional)
    Resolves an object with the specified reference, optionally or not.
    Allocate all objects using each heaplet instance's configuration.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • propertyResolver

      protected org.forgerock.config.resolvers.PropertyResolver propertyResolver
      Resolves tokens.
  • Constructor Details

    • HeapImpl

      public HeapImpl(Name name)
      Builds a root heap (will be referenced by children but has no parent itself). Provides a no-op PropertyResolver.
      name - local name of this heap
    • HeapImpl

      public HeapImpl(HeapImpl parent, Name name)
      Builds a new heap that is a child of the given heap.
      parent - parent heap (never null).
      name - local name of this heap
    • HeapImpl

      public HeapImpl(HeapImpl parent, Name name, org.forgerock.config.resolvers.PropertyResolver propertyResolver)
      Builds a new heap that is a child of the given heap.
      parent - parent heap.
      name - local name of this heap (never null)
      propertyResolver - initial property resolver to use (never null)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public Name getName()
      Description copied from interface: Heap
      Returns the name of this heap.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Heap
      the name of this heap.
    • init

      public JsonValue init(JsonValue originalConfig, String... reservedFieldNames) throws HeapException
      Initializes the heap using the given configuration. Once complete, all heaplets will be loaded.
      originalConfig - the configuration root.
      reservedFieldNames - the names of reserved top level fields in the originalConfig which should not be parsed as global decorators.
      the configuration updated to include any token substitutions found in the original configuration.
      HeapException - if an exception occurs initializing the heap.
      JsonValueException - if the configuration object is malformed.
    • start

      public void start() throws HeapException
      Allocate all objects using each heaplet instance's configuration.
      HeapException - if any object cannot be created.
    • addDefaultDeclaration

      public void addDefaultDeclaration(JsonValue object)
      Add a default JsonValue object declaration in this heap. This method should only be called prior to init(JsonValue, String...): values provided after init() has been called will be ignored. Notice that if the caller add 2 declarations with the same name, that will end up with an exception thrown when the heap will be initialized.
      object - Object declaration (has to contains a name attribute)
    • get

      public <T> T get(String name, Class<T> type) throws HeapException
      Description copied from interface: Heap
      Returns an object from the heap with a specified name, or null if no such object exists.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Heap
      Type Parameters:
      T - expected type of the heap object
      name - the name of the object in the heap to be retrieved.
      type - expected type of the heap object
      the requested object from the heap, or null if no such object exists.
      HeapException - if an exception occurred during creation of the heap object or any of its dependencies.
    • resolve

      public <T> T resolve(JsonValue reference, Class<T> type) throws HeapException
      Description copied from interface: Heap
      Resolves a mandatory object with the specified reference. If the object does not exist or the inline declaration cannot be build, a JsonValueException is thrown. If the reference is an inline object declaration, an anonymous object is added to the heap and returned.

      Equivalent to:

           heap.resolve(reference, type, false);
      Specified by:
      resolve in interface Heap
      Type Parameters:
      T - expected instance type
      reference - a JSON value containing the name of the heap object to retrieve.
      type - the expected type of the heap object.
      the specified heap object.
      HeapException - if there was an exception creating the heap object or any of its dependencies.
    • resolve

      public <T> T resolve(JsonValue reference, Class<T> type, boolean optional) throws HeapException
      Description copied from interface: Heap
      Resolves an object with the specified reference, optionally or not. If the reference is an inline object declaration, an anonymous object is added to the heap and returned. If the inline declaration cannot be build, a JsonValueException is thrown.
      Specified by:
      resolve in interface Heap
      Type Parameters:
      T - expected instance type
      reference - a JSON value containing either the name of the heap object to retrieve or an inline declaration.
      type - the expected type of the heap object.
      optional - Accept or not a JsonValue that contains null.
      the referenced heap object or null if name contains null.
      HeapException - if there was an exception creating the heap object or any of its dependencies.
    • put

      public void put(String name, Object object)
      Puts an object into the heap. If an object already exists in the heap with the specified name, it is overwritten.
      name - name of the object to be put into the heap.
      object - the object to be put into the heap.
    • put

      public void put(String heapKey, String name, Object object)
      Puts an object into the heap. If an object already exists in the heap with the specified name, it is overwritten.
      heapKey - the key used to retrieve this object in the heap
      name - name of the object to be put into the heap.
      object - the object to be put into the heap.
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Destroys the objects on the heap and dereferences all associated objects. This method calls the heaplet destroy method for each object in the heap to provide a chance for system resources to be freed.
    • getHandler

      public Handler getHandler() throws HeapException
      Returns the Handler object referenced by the handler top-level attribute. The returned object is fully decorated (including top-level reference decorations).
      the Handler object referenced by the handler top-level attribute
      HeapException - if object resolution failed
    • getProperties

      public Bindings getProperties()
      Description copied from interface: Heap
      Returns the properties from this heap and its parents if any.
      Specified by:
      getProperties in interface Heap
      the properties from this heap and its parents if any.