Class GatewayHttpApplication

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class GatewayHttpApplication extends Object implements HttpApplication
Configuration class for configuring the Identity Gateway.
  • Constructor Details

    • GatewayHttpApplication

      public GatewayHttpApplication(Environment environment, JsonValue config, EndpointRegistry registry, RunMode mode, org.forgerock.monitoring.api.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry, org.forgerock.config.resolvers.PropertyResolver propertyResolver, HttpClientProvider httpClientProvider, WebSocketClientProvider webSocketClientProvider, WebSocketProxyFilterProvider webSocketProxyFilterProvider, Clock clock, IgTicker ticker, AsyncSessionManager sessionManager, ProductInfo productInfo)
      Construct a GatewayHttpApplication.
      environment - the environment to lookup for configuration
      config - the gateway configuration
      registry - the endpoint registry to bind the API endpoints
      mode - IG run mode
      meterRegistry - The meter registry
      propertyResolver - Root property resolver (not null)
      httpClientProvider - The provider of HttpClient
      webSocketClientProvider - The notification service provider
      webSocketProxyFilterProvider - The WebSocket proxy filter provider
      clock - The clock to use
      ticker - The ticker to use
      sessionManager - The sessionManager to use
      productInfo - The product information
  • Method Details

    • start

      public Handler start() throws HttpApplicationException
      Description copied from interface: HttpApplication
      Gets the root Handler that will handle all HTTP requests.

      The Handler returned from this method MUST be a singleton.

      Specified by:
      start in interface HttpApplication
      The Handler to handle HTTP requests.
      HttpApplicationException - If there is a problem constructing the root application Handler.
    • getBufferFactory

      public Factory<Buffer> getBufferFactory()
      Description copied from interface: HttpApplication
      Gets the Factory that will create temporary storage Buffers to handle the processing of requests.

      May return null indicating that the container should provide a default buffer factory.

      Specified by:
      getBufferFactory in interface HttpApplication
      A Buffer Factory or null.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Description copied from interface: HttpApplication
      Called when HTTP application is shutdown.

      Implementation should use this method to clear up all remaining resources.

      Specified by:
      stop in interface HttpApplication