Class CustomProxyOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CustomProxyOptions extends Object implements ProxyOptions
A ProxyOptions representing custom proxy settings.

The password is managed as a SecretReference, ensuring its value is refreshed as necessary. This avoids breaking the promise chain too early and may unlock further usage up to the ClientHandler (like secret rotation).

  • Constructor Details

    • CustomProxyOptions

      public CustomProxyOptions(URI uri)
      Create a new CustomProxyOptions without login/password.
      uri - the proxy URI
    • CustomProxyOptions

      public CustomProxyOptions(URI uri, String username, SecretReference<GenericSecret> passwordReference)
      Creates a new CustomProxyOptions with login/password.
      uri - the proxy URI
      username - the username to use to authenticate to the proxy
      passwordReference - the password to use to authenticate to the proxy
  • Method Details