Class CrestSessionService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CrestSessionService extends Object implements SessionService
The CrestSessionService is responsible for performing interactions with the AM sessions endpoint.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static CrestSessionService.Builder builder(RequestHandler sessionInfoRequestHandler, RequestHandler logoutRequestHandler, Clock clock)
      Returns a new CrestSessionService.Builder for creating a new CrestSessionService instance.
      sessionInfoRequestHandler - The sessionInfoRequestHandler used when interacting with the AM session info endpoint.
      logoutRequestHandler - The logoutRequestHandler used when interacting with the AM session logout endpoint.
      clock - The clock to use for any time-based functions.
      a new builder
    • getSessionInfo

      public Promise<Optional<SessionInfo>,SessionException> getSessionInfo(Context context, String ssoToken)
      Description copied from interface: SessionService
      Returns a promise that will be completed with an optional SessionInfo or with an SessionException in case of errors. The optional SessionInfo will be empty only when the given ssoToken is invalid or expired.
      Specified by:
      getSessionInfo in interface SessionService
      context - The request context.
      ssoToken - The ssoToken used to retrieve the session information about.
      a promise that will be completed with SessionInfo or with an SessionException in case of errors.
    • logout

      public Promise<Void,SessionException> logout(Context context, String ssoToken)
      Description copied from interface: SessionService
      Returns a promise that will be completed with a Void or with an SessionException in case of errors.
      Specified by:
      logout in interface SessionService
      context - The request context.
      ssoToken - The ssoToken to logout.
      a promise that will be completed with a Void or with an SessionException in case of errors.