Interface SecretDecoder

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Base64PropertyFormat, JwkPropertyFormat, JwtWrappedPropertyFormat, PemPropertyFormat, PropertyFormatBase64, SecretKeyPropertyFormat

public interface SecretDecoder
Specifies how data retrieved from a SecretStore should be decoded into a secret object. This interface is used when there may be multiple ways to interpret the data being retrieved. For example, a file containing secret data could be raw binary data or it could be a PEM-encoded certificate.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • decodeToPromise

      Promise<SecretBuilder,NoSuchSecretException> decodeToPromise(byte[] data)
      Decodes the raw data retrieved from a backend into a SecretBuilder for further processing.
      data - the raw secret data.
      a promise of the decoded secret information.