Class OAuth2Context

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OAuth2Context extends AbstractContext
An OAuth2Context could be used to store and retrieve an AccessTokenInfo.

Once a ResourceServerFilter has authorized an OAuth2 request and obtained the access token's state, the access token can be stored in the OAuth2Context in order to influence subsequent processing of the request.

For example, the information provided in the AccessToken may be used for additional fine-grained authorization.

The following code illustrates how an application may store/retrieve an access token:

 AccessToken accessToken = ...;
 Context parentContext = ...;
 // Create the OAuth2 context and store the access token
 OAuth2Context context = new OAuth2Context(parentContext, accessToken);
 AccessToken myToken = context.asContext(OAuth2Context.class).getAccessToken();
  • Constructor Details

    • OAuth2Context

      public OAuth2Context(Context parent, AccessTokenInfo accessToken)
      Creates a new OAuth2 context with the provided AccessTokenInfo.
      parent - The parent context.
      accessToken - The access token to store.
    • OAuth2Context

      public OAuth2Context(JsonValue savedContext, ClassLoader classLoader)
      Creates a new context from the JSON representation of a previously persisted context.
      savedContext - The JSON representation from which this context's attributes should be parsed.
      classLoader - The ClassLoader which can properly resolve the persisted class-name.
  • Method Details

    • getAccessToken

      public AccessTokenInfo getAccessToken()
      Returns the access token associated with this OAuth2 context.
      the access token associated with this OAuth2 context.