Class EcJWK

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EcJWK extends JWK implements EllipticCurveJwk
This class implements an Elliptical Curve Json Web Key storage and manipulation class.
  • Constructor Details

    • EcJWK

      @Deprecated public EcJWK(ECPublicKey publicKey, String use, String kid)
      Use the builder instead.
      Creates a public EcJWK.
      publicKey - The public key for the JWK
      use - The value of the use JWK parameter
      kid - The key id of the JWK
    • EcJWK

      @Deprecated public EcJWK(ECPublicKey publicKey, ECPrivateKey privateKey, String use, String kid)
      Use the builder instead.
      Creates a public and private EcJWK.
      publicKey - The public key for the JWK
      privateKey - The private key for the JWK
      use - The value of the use JWK parameter
      kid - The key id of the JWK
    • EcJWK

      @Deprecated public EcJWK(String use, String alg, String kid, String x, String y, String curve, String x5u, String x5t, List<String> x5c)
      Use the builder instead.
      Creates a public EcJWK.
      use - The value of the use JWK parameter
      alg - The value of the alg JWK parameter
      kid - The key id of the JWK
      x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
      y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
      curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
      x5u - the x509 url for the key
      x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
      x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
    • EcJWK

      @Deprecated public EcJWK(String use, String alg, String kid, String x, String y, String d, String curve, String x5u, String x5t, List<String> x5c)
      Use the builder instead.
      Creates a public and private EcJWK.
      use - The value of the use JWK parameter
      alg - The value of the alg JWK parameter
      kid - The key id of the JWK
      x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
      y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
      d - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the d value for the elliptical curve private key
      curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
      x5u - the x509 url for the key
      x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
      x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static EcJWK.Builder builder(SupportedEllipticCurve curve, String x, String y)
      Get the builder.
      curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
      x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
      y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
      the EC JWK builder
    • builder

      public static EcJWK.Builder builder(String curve, String x, String y)
      Get the builder.
      curve - The known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
      x - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
      y - The unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
      the EC JWK builder
    • builder

      public static EcJWK.Builder builder(ECPublicKey publicKey)
      Get the builder.
      publicKey - The public key for the JWK
      the EC JWK builder
    • getX

      public String getX()
      Gets the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate.
      unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point x coordinate
    • getY

      public String getY()
      Gets the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate.
      the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point y coordinate
    • getD

      public String getD()
      Gets the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the d value for the elliptical curve private key.
      the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the d value for the elliptical curve private key
    • getCurve

      @Deprecated public String getCurve()
      replaced by getEllipticCurve().
      Gets the known curve to use. For example "NIST P-256".
      the known curve of the JWK
    • getEllipticCurve

      public SupportedEllipticCurve getEllipticCurve()
      Gets the elliptic curve.
      Specified by:
      getEllipticCurve in interface EllipticCurveJwk
      the elliptic curve of the JWK
    • parse

      public static EcJWK parse(String json)
      Parses a JWK from a string json object.
      json - string json object
      a EcJWK object
    • parse

      public static EcJWK parse(JsonValue json)
      Parses a JWK from a JsonValue json object.
      json - JsonValue json object
      a EcJWK object
    • toJsonValue

      public JsonValue toJsonValue()
      Description copied from class: JWK
      Returns a json representation of the JWK.
      toJsonValue in class JWK
      A JSON representation.
    • toECPublicKey

      public ECPublicKey toECPublicKey()
      Converts the JWK to a ECPublicKey.
      Specified by:
      toECPublicKey in interface EllipticCurveJwk
      an ECPublicKey
    • toPublicKey

      public PublicKey toPublicKey()
      Description copied from interface: EllipticCurveJwk
      Converts the public claims in the JWK into a public key. Note that the public key returned may not be an ECPublicKey. For instance, on Java 11 an OkpJWK may return a XECPrivateKey.
      Specified by:
      toPublicKey in interface EllipticCurveJwk
      the public key.
    • toECPrivateKey

      public ECPrivateKey toECPrivateKey()
      Converts the JWK to a ECPrivateKey.
      an ECPrivateKey
    • toKeyPair

      public KeyPair toKeyPair()
      Converts the JWK to a KeyPair.
      Specified by:
      toKeyPair in interface EllipticCurveJwk
      an KeyPair
    • decodeCoordinate

      public static BigInteger decodeCoordinate(String encodedCoordinate)
      Decode the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of an elliptical curve point.
      encodedCoordinate - the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of a the elliptical curve point
      the elliptical curve point
    • encodeCoordinate

      public static String encodeCoordinate(int fieldSize, BigInteger coordinate)
      Base64url encode the unsigned big-endian representation of an elliptical curve point.
      fieldSize - the EC field size in bits.
      coordinate - the elliptical curve point
      the unsigned big-endian base64 url encoding of the elliptical curve point
    • isPrivate

      public boolean isPrivate()
      Description copied from class: JWK
      Indicates if any private key attributes are present in the JWK.
      isPrivate in class JWK
      true if this JWK contains any private key attributes.
    • getPublicJwkBuilder

      protected Optional<JWK.Builder<?>> getPublicJwkBuilder()
      Description copied from class: JWK
      Return a builder with all the values set for representing the public components of the JWK. Common JWK attributes will be added in JWK.toPublicJwk().
      Specified by:
      getPublicJwkBuilder in class JWK
      The builder.
    • isPublicKeyValid

      public boolean isPublicKeyValid()
      Checks for validity of the public key portion of this JWK as per isPublicKeyValid(ECPublicKey, SupportedEllipticCurve).
      Specified by:
      isPublicKeyValid in interface EllipticCurveJwk
      true if the public key is on the curve it claims to be on and is valid.
    • isPublicKeyValid

      public static boolean isPublicKeyValid(ECPublicKey publicKey, SupportedEllipticCurve curve)
      Checks whether the public key actually lies on the curve it claims to be on. Checking this is critical in ECDH protocols where the other party may be malicious. In this case, the attacker can send public keys that force the shared secret to be chosen from a small group. If a long-lived ECDH key pair is being used, then this may eventually allow an attacker to recover the private key.

      NB: This bug has been fixed in the Oracle JRE/OpenJDK since 1.6.0_101, 1.7.0_85, and 1.8.0_51, but we include the check here for completeness and security when running on other JREs which may not implement the check.

      The checks performed are those from NIST SP 800-56A (rev. 2), section - ECC Partial Public-Key Validation Routine. This is a sufficient check for validating public keys used in "Cofactor Diffie Hellman" (ECC CDH), as defined in SP 800-56A. The JWA spec actually uses non-cofactor Diffie Hellman (ECDH), but because the cofactor for all of the NIST prime order curves in use here (P-256, P-384 and P-521) is 1 (i.e., h = 1), the two schemes are equivalent. This is confirmed by SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, section - Elliptic Curve Public Key Validation Primitive:

      “In Step 4, it may not be necessary to compute the point nQ. For example, if h = 1, then nQ = O is implied by the checks in Steps 2 and 3, because this property holds for all points Q ∈ E”
      publicKey - the public key to check.
      curve - the supported elliptic curve parameters to check the public key against.
      true if the public key is on the curve it claims to be on and is valid.
      See Also: