Class ResponseCacheControl


public final class ResponseCacheControl extends Object
Indicates whether a response can be cached and under what conditions.
  • Method Details

    • forMaxAgeSeconds

      public static ResponseCacheControl forMaxAgeSeconds(long maxAge)
      Returns a cache control that will allow caching until the given maximum age (in seconds).
      maxAge - the maximum age that the response can be cached for (in seconds).
      the cache control.
    • forMaxAge

      public static ResponseCacheControl forMaxAge(Duration maxAge)
      Returns a cache control that will allow caching until the given maximum age.
      maxAge - the maximum age that the response can be cached for.
      the cache control.
    • until

      public static ResponseCacheControl until(Temporal deadline, Clock clock)
      Returns a cache control that will allow caching until the given deadline according to the given clock.
      deadline - the deadline at which to consider the response to be stale.
      clock - the clock to use to determine the time until the deadline.
      the cache control.
    • disableCaching

      public static ResponseCacheControl disableCaching()
      Indicates that clients and proxies should never cache the response under any circumstances.
      a cache control that disables caching.
    • isCacheable

      public boolean isCacheable()
      Indicates whether the response should ever be cached.
      true if the response can be cached or false to disable all caching.
    • getMaxAgeSeconds

      public long getMaxAgeSeconds()
      The maximum age (in seconds) that the response should be cached. After this time has expired the client or proxy should re-fetch the resource from the server.
      the maximum length of time in seconds to cache a response for.