Class AsyncRefreshableSupplier<V,E extends Exception>

Type Parameters:
V - input type of the function parameter
E - supported exception type of the function parameter

public final class AsyncRefreshableSupplier<V,E extends Exception> extends Object
This utility class supports a lock-downgrading strategy to make sure that 2 concurrent calls to compute the "cached" value will result in a single computation. It supports concurrent refreshment.
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a provider ensuring "only-once" invocation of the given compute function.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    get(Context context)
    Computes (or re-computes) the value in a thread-safe manner, making sure that only 1 thread will compute the value, the other being blocked, waiting for the result to be computed.
    Computes the value in a thread-safe manner, making sure that only 1 thread will compute the value, the other being blocked, waiting for the result to be computed.
    Flag the current token as being invalid to force a refresh on next get().
    refresh(Context context)
    Refresh (and returns) the value, in a thread-safe manner.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • AsyncRefreshableSupplier

      public AsyncRefreshableSupplier(AsyncFunction<Context,V,E> compute)
      Creates a provider ensuring "only-once" invocation of the given compute function.
      compute - computation function
  • Method Details

    • get

      public Promise<V,E> get(Context context)
      Computes (or re-computes) the value in a thread-safe manner, making sure that only 1 thread will compute the value, the other being blocked, waiting for the result to be computed.
      context - Service context
      computed promise
    • refresh

      public Promise<V,E> refresh(Context context)
      Refresh (and returns) the value, in a thread-safe manner.

      It works like this:

      • The thread try to take the refresh lock, if it succeed that means that no refresh is in progress, therefore it can safely invalidate the value and returns the newly computed value.
      • Other concurrent threads will not have the lock (using the else branch of the condition) and will all be together waiting for the lock to be released.
      • When the lock is released, all concurrent threads are notified (one after the other) and returns the refreshed value.
      context - Service context
      refreshed value
    • getWithoutRefresh

      public Promise<V,E> getWithoutRefresh()
      Computes the value in a thread-safe manner, making sure that only 1 thread will compute the value, the other being blocked, waiting for the result to be computed. If the value needs to be refreshed null is returned.
      computed promise or null if the promise is not valid and needs refresh.
    • invalidate

      public void invalidate()
      Flag the current token as being invalid to force a refresh on next get().