Class Response

    • Constructor Detail

      • Response

        public Response​(Response response)
                 throws IOException
        Creates a defensive copy of the given response message.
        response - response to be copied
        IOException - when entity cannot be cloned
      • Response

        public Response​(Status status)
        Creates a new response with a default status.
        status - The status to use for the Reponse.
    • Method Detail

      • newResponsePromise

        public static Promise<Response,​NeverThrowsException> newResponsePromise​(Response response)
        Returns a Promise representing the Response for an asynchronous Request which has already completed. Attempts to get the Response will immediately return without blocking, and any listeners registered against the returned promise will be immediately invoked in the same thread as the caller.
        response - The Response.
        A Promise representing the Response for an asynchronous Request which has already completed.
      • newResponsePromiseImpl

        public static PromiseImpl<Response,​NeverThrowsException> newResponsePromiseImpl()
        Creates a new pending Promise implementation representing the Response for an asynchronous Request. The returned PromiseImpl must be completed once the Response is received by invoking the handleResult method.
        A new pending Promise implementation representing the Response for an asynchronous Request.
      • getStatus

        public Status getStatus()
        Returns the response status.
        The response status.
      • getCause

        public Exception getCause()
        Returns the (possibly null) cause of this error message (assuming it is a 4xx or a 5xx).
        the (possibly null) cause of this error message (assuming it is a 4xx or a 5xx).
      • setCause

        public Response setCause​(Exception cause)
        Link a 'caused by' exception to this response. That can be used to determine if this error response was triggered by an exception (as opposed to obtained from a remote server). Note: this method does not change the status of this message, neither touch its content. It's up to the caller to ensure consistency (if required in the execution context).
        cause - Cause of this error response
        This response.
      • setEntity

        public Response setEntity​(Object o)
        Description copied from interface: Message
        Sets the content of the entity to the provided value. Calling this method will close any existing streams associated with the entity. May also set the Content-Length header, overwriting any existing header.

        This method is intended mostly as a convenience method within scripts. The parameter will be handled depending on its type as follows:

        Note: This method does not attempt to encode the entity based-on any codings specified in the Content-Encoding header.

        o - The object whose value should be stored in the entity.
        This message.
      • setStatus

        public Response setStatus​(Status status)
        Sets the response status code.
        status - The response status code.
        This response.
      • setVersion

        public Response setVersion​(String version)
        Description copied from interface: Message
        Sets the protocol version. Default: HTTP/1.1.
        version - The protocol version.
        This message.
      • hasStreamingContent

        public boolean hasStreamingContent()
        Indicates that the response's content has to be considered as a streaming and thus some special treatments may apply on it.
        true if the response's content has to be considered as a streaming content.
      • setStreamingContent

        public Response setStreamingContent​(boolean streamingContent)
        Set that the response's content has to be considered as a streaming and thus some special treatments may apply on it.
        streamingContent - Is it a streamed content or not ?
        This response.
      • getTrailers

        public Headers getTrailers()
        Returns the trailers, aka trailing headers.
        The trailers.
      • addTrailers

        public Response addTrailers​(Header... trailers)
        Add one or more trailers, aka trailing headers, to the response.
        trailers - The trailers to add (not null).
        This response.
      • putTrailers

        public Response putTrailers​(Header... trailers)
        Put one or more trailers, aka trailing headers, to the response. This will overwrite any existing trailers values for the names of the trailers provided.
        trailers - The trailers to put (not null).
        This response.