Class RsaJWK

  • public class RsaJWK
    extends JWK
    Implements a RsaJWK.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String modulus,
                      String publicExponent,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        modulus - the modulus of the JWK
        publicExponent - the public exponent JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String modulus,
                      String publicExponent,
                      String privateExponent,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        modulus - the modulus of the JWK
        publicExponent - the public exponent JWK
        privateExponent - the private exponent JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String modulus,
                      String publicExponent,
                      String primeP,
                      String primeQ,
                      String primePExponent,
                      String primeQExponent,
                      String crtCoefficient,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        modulus - the modulus of the JWK
        publicExponent - the public exponent JWK
        primeP - the first prime factor of the JWK
        primeQ - the second prime factor of the JWK
        primePExponent - the first factor exponent of the JWK
        primeQExponent - the second factor exponent of the JWK
        crtCoefficient - the first CRT Coefficient of the JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String modulus,
                      String publicExponent,
                      String privateExponent,
                      String primeP,
                      String primeQ,
                      String primePExponent,
                      String primeQExponent,
                      String crtCoefficient,
                      List<RsaJWK.PrimesInfo> otherPrimesInfo,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        modulus - the modulus of the JWK
        publicExponent - the public exponent JWK
        privateExponent - the private exponent JWK
        primeP - the first prime factor of the JWK
        primeQ - the second prime factor of the JWK
        primePExponent - the first factor exponent of the JWK
        primeQExponent - the second factor exponent of the JWK
        crtCoefficient - the first CRT Coefficient of the JWK
        otherPrimesInfo - the extra factors of the JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(RSAPublicKey key,
                      String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        key - the RSAPublicKey to use
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(RSAPublicKey pubKey,
                      RSAPrivateKey privKey,
                      String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        pubKey - the RSAPublicKey to use
        privKey - the RSAPrivateKey to use
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
      • RsaJWK

        public RsaJWK​(RSAPublicKey pubKey,
                      RSAPrivateCrtKey privCert,
                      String use,
                      String alg,
                      String kid,
                      String x5u,
                      String x5t,
                      List<String> x5c)
        Use the builder instead.
        Creates a RsaJWK.
        pubKey - the RSAPublicKey to use
        privCert - the RSAPrivateCrtKey to use
        use - the use of the JWK
        alg - the alg of the JWK
        kid - the key id of the JWK
        x5u - the x509 url for the key
        x5t - the x509 thumbnail for the key
        x5c - the x509 chain as a list of Base64 encoded strings
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static RsaJWK.Builder builder​(String modulus,
                                             String publicExponent)
        Get the builder.
        modulus - the modulus of the JWK
        publicExponent - the public exponent JWK
        the RSA JWK builder
      • builder

        public static RsaJWK.Builder builder​(RSAPublicKey publicKey)
        Get the builder.
        publicKey - the RSAPublicKey to use
        the RSA JWK builder
      • getModulus

        public String getModulus()
        Get the RSA modulus value.
        a Base64url modulus value
      • getPublicExponent

        public String getPublicExponent()
        Get the RSA Public Exponent.
        a Base64url Public Exponent value
      • getPrivateExponent

        public String getPrivateExponent()
        Get the RSA Private Exponent value.
        a Base64url Private Exponent value
      • getPrimeP

        public String getPrimeP()
        Get the RSA First Prime Factor value.
        a Base64url First Prime Factor value
      • getPrimeQ

        public String getPrimeQ()
        Get the RSA Second Prime Factor value.
        a Base64url Second Prime Factor value
      • getPrimePExponent

        public String getPrimePExponent()
        Get the RSA First Factor CRT Exponent value.
        a Base64url First Factor CRT Exponent value
      • getPrimeQExponent

        public String getPrimeQExponent()
        Get the RSA Second factor CRT Exponent value.
        a Base64url Second factor CRT Exponent value
      • getCRTCoefficient

        public String getCRTCoefficient()
        Get the RSA First CRT Coefficient value.
        a Base64url First CRT Coefficient value
      • getOtherPrimesInfo

        public List<RsaJWK.PrimesInfo> getOtherPrimesInfo()
        Get the RSA other factors value.
        a Base64url other factors value
      • toRSAPublicKey

        public RSAPublicKey toRSAPublicKey()
        Creates a RSAPublicKey from the JWK.
        a RSAPublicKey
      • toRSAPrivateKey

        public RSAPrivateKey toRSAPrivateKey()
        Creates a RSAPrivateKey from the JWK.
        a RSAPrivateKey
      • isPrivate

        public boolean isPrivate()
        Description copied from class: JWK
        Indicates if any private key attributes are present in the JWK.
        isPrivate in class JWK
        true if this JWK contains any private key attributes.
      • getPublicJwkBuilder

        protected Optional<JWK.Builder<?>> getPublicJwkBuilder()
        Description copied from class: JWK
        Return a builder with all the values set for representing the public components of the JWK. Common JWK attributes will be added in JWK.toPublicJwk().
        Specified by:
        getPublicJwkBuilder in class JWK
        The builder.
      • toKeyPair

        public KeyPair toKeyPair()
        Create a KeyPair using the JWK.
        a KeyPair
      • parse

        public static RsaJWK parse​(String json)
        Parses a RsaJWK from a json string.
        json - a string json object
        a RsaJWK
      • parse

        public static RsaJWK parse​(JsonValue json)
        Parses a RsaJWK from a jsonValue Object.
        json - a jsonValue object
        a RsaJWK
      • toJsonValue

        public JsonValue toJsonValue()
        Description copied from class: JWK
        Returns a json representation of the JWK.
        toJsonValue in class JWK
        A JSON representation.