Class Realm

  • public final class Realm
    extends Object
    This class defines a Realm as it is used in OpenAM.
    • Field Detail

      • ROOT_REALM

        public static final Realm ROOT_REALM
        The root realm, known as "/".
    • Method Detail

      • parseRealm

        public static Realm parseRealm​(String name)
        Creates a new Realm by parsing the given name. Parsing rules:
        • input can optionally starts with /
        • root realm name (/ or root) is optional
        • / and whitespaces are considered as sub-realm separators
        • realms and empty elements are ignored (easier if you start from an OpenAM URL endpoint)
         root or / or /root
         finances employees
         /finances employees/europe
        name - The name of the realm to parse. It could be "finances" or "consumers/europe/france" for example. If name is null or empty then the ROOT_REALM will be returned.
        The new Realm created from the string.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the fully qualified realm's name: '/finances/employees' The returned name always starts with /, and never ends with /.
        The fully qualified realm's name.
      • getSegments

        public List<String> getSegments()
        Returns the unmodifiable list of the segments composing the realm. For example: '/finances/employees' will return a list containing 'finances' and 'employees'. The 'root' realm name is always omitted.
        The unmodifiable list of the segments composing the realm.