The following classes are available globally.
AuthService represents Authentication Tree in OpenAM to initiate authentication flow with OpenAM. Initiating AuthService returns one of following:
- Result of expected type, if available
- A Node object instance to continue on the authentication flow
- An error, if occurred during the authentication flow
See more* Any Callback type returned from AM must be supported within CallbackFactory.shared.supportedCallbacks. * Any custom Callback must be implemented by inheriting Callback class, and be registered through CallbackFactory.shared.registerCallback(callbackType:callbackClass:).
@objc(FRAuthService) public class AuthService : NSObject
Node class is the core abstraction within an authentication tree. Trees are made up of nodes, which may modify the shared state and/or request input from the user via Callbacks. Node is also a representation of each step in the authentication flow, and keeps unique identifier and its state of the authentication flow. Node must be submitted to OpenAM to proceed or finish the authentication flow. Submitting the Node object returns one of following:
- Result of expected type, if available
- Another Node object instance to continue on the authentication flow
- An error, if occurred during the authentication flow
@objc(FRNode) public class Node : NSObject
PolicyAdvice is a representation of Authorization Policy advice response from AM’s policy engine
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class PolicyAdvice : NSObject
PolicyAdviceCreator helps create a Authorization PolicyAdvice based on different response types (xml, base64XML, json) that receive from AM’s policy engine
See moreDeclaration
public class PolicyAdviceCreator
Callback that accepts user input often need to validate that input either on the client side, the server side or both. Such callback should extend this base class.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRAbstractValidatedCallback) public class AbstractValidatedCallback : SingleValueCallback
FailedPolicy that describes reason, and additional information for user input validation failure
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRFailedPolicy) public class FailedPolicy : NSObject
Base implementation of a Callback for collection of a single identity object attribute from a user.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRAttributeInputCallback) public class AttributeInputCallback : AbstractValidatedCallback
BooleanAttributeInputCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s BooleanAttributeInputCallback to collect single boolean value with OpenAM validation and given policies.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRBooleanAttributeInputCallback) public class BooleanAttributeInputCallback : AttributeInputCallback
Callback class is base class, and is a representation of Callback implementation that OpenAM presents as par to of authentication flow. All Callback class must inherit from this class, and implement its own logic to handle interaction(s) with OpenAM.
Important Note
All inherited Callback class must implement and override following method as Callback is just a base class implementation due to Objective-C compatibility:
- init method that parses raw JSON response, and assign any value accordingly to its properties
- buildResponse() method that prepares, and builds request JSON payload for this specific Callback
@objc(FRCallback) open class Callback : NSObject
CallbackFactory is a representation of class responsible for managing and maintaining supported OpenAM callback in FRAuth SDK.
See more* Any Callback type returned from OpenAM **must** be supported within CallbackFactory.shared.supportedCallbacks. * Any custom Callback must be implemented custom Callback class, and be registered through CallbackFactory.shared.registerCallback(callbackType:callbackClass:). * FRAuth SDK currently supports following Callback types: 1. NameCallback 2. PasswordCallback 3. ChoiceCallback 4. ValidatedCreateUsernameCallback 5. ValidatedCreatePasswordCallback 6. StringAttributeInputCallback 7. TermsAndConditionsCallback 8. KbaCreateCallback 9. PollingWaitCallback 10. ConfirmationCallback 11. TextOutputCallback 12. ReCaptchaCallback 13. MetadataCallback 14. DeviceProfileCallback 15. BooleanAttributeInputCallback 16. NumberAttributeInputCallback 17. SuspendedTextOutputCallback 18. WebAuthnRegistrationCallback 19. WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback 20. IdPCallback 21. SelectIdPCallback 22. FRAppIntegrityCallback 23. TextInputCallback
@objc(FRCallbackFactory) public class CallbackFactory : NSObject
ChoiceCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s ChoiceCallback to collect single user input from available choices, and with predefined default choice, and to retrieve selected choice from user interaction.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRChoiceCallback) public class ChoiceCallback : SingleValueCallback
DeviceProfileCallback is a callback class that collects Device Information using DeviceCollector(s) in FRAuth SDK.
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class DeviceProfileCallback : HiddenValueCallback, ActionCallback
public class FRAppIntegrityCallback : MultipleValuesCallback
public class HiddenValueCallback : SingleValueCallback
IdPCallback is a representation of
See moreSocial Provider Handler Node
in AM whenClient Type
option specified asNATIVE
(only available in AM 7.1 and above)Declaration
public class IdPCallback : MultipleValuesCallback
KbaCreateCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s KbaCreateCallback which is responsible to define, and create Knowledge Based Authentication question and answer for a user.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRKbaCreateCallback) public class KbaCreateCallback : MultipleValuesCallback
MultipleValuesCallback is a base Callback implementation that has one or more user input values. Any Callback that accepts multiple values from user interaction without OpenAM’s validation with policies may inherit from this class.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRMultipleValuesCallback) open class MultipleValuesCallback : Callback
NameCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s NameCallback to collect single user input; NameCallback is typically used to collect Username for the authentication flow.
@objc(FRNameCallback) public class NameCallback : SingleValueCallback
NumberAttributeInputCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s NumberAttributeInputCallback to collect double value with OpenAM validation and given policies.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRNumberAttributeInputCallback) public class NumberAttributeInputCallback : AttributeInputCallback
PasswordCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s PasswordCallback to collect single user input; PasswordCallback is typically used to collect user or OTP credentials for the authentication flow.
@objc(FRPasswordCallback) public class PasswordCallback : SingleValueCallback
Parent Callback used by Ping One Protect callbacks
See moreDeclaration
open class ProtectCallback : MultipleValuesCallback, NodeAware
SelectIdPCallback is a representation of AM’s
See moreSelect Identity Provider
Node to select a specific Identity Provider from given options (local authentication, or list of social login providers)Declaration
public class SelectIdPCallback : SingleValueCallback
SingleValueCallback is a base Callback implementation that has single user input value. Any Callback that accepts single value from user interaction without OpenAM’s validation with policies may inherit from this class.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRSingleValueCallback) open class SingleValueCallback : Callback
StringAttributeInputCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s StringAttributeInputCallback to collect single value of string user attribute with OpenAM validation with given policies.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRStringAttributeInputCallback) public class StringAttributeInputCallback : AttributeInputCallback
SuspendedTextOutputCallback is a representation of AM’s SuspendedTextOutputCallback to notify user that the authentication flow is suspended and can be resumed with Resume URI sent to user’s email.
public class SuspendedTextOutputCallback : TextOutputCallback
TermsAndConditionsCallback is a callback to collect a user’s acceptance of the configured Terms & Conditions.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRTermsAndConditionsCallback) public class TermsAndConditionsCallback : SingleValueCallback
TextInputCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s TextInputCallback to collect single user input; It is typically used to collect any text input for the authentication flow.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRTextInputCallback) public class TextInputCallback : SingleValueCallback
ValidatedCreatePasswordCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s ValidatedCreatePasswordCallback to collect single value of Password with OpenAM validation with given policies.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRValidatedCreatePasswordCallback) public class ValidatedCreatePasswordCallback : AbstractValidatedCallback
ValidatedCreateUsernameCallback is a representation of OpenAM’s ValidatedCreateUsernameCallback to collect single value of Username with OpenAM validation with given policies.
@objc(FRValidatedCreateUsernameCallback) public class ValidatedCreateUsernameCallback : AbstractValidatedCallback
WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback is a representation of AM’s WebAuthn Authentication Node to generate WebAuthn assertion based on given credentials, and optionally set the WebAuthn outcome value in
See moreNode
‘s designatedHiddenValueCallback
open class WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback : WebAuthnCallback
extension WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback: PlatformAuthenticatorAuthenticationDelegate
extension WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback: FRWebAuthnManagerDelegate
WebAuthnCallback represents AM’s WebAuthn MetadataCallback, and is a parent class of WebAuthnRegistrationCallback and WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback
open class WebAuthnCallback : MetadataCallback
WebAuthnRegistrationCallback is a representation of AM’s WebAuthn Registration Node to generate WebAuthn attestation based on given credentials, and optionally set the WebAuthn outcome value in
See moreNode
‘s designatedHiddenValueCallback
open class WebAuthnRegistrationCallback : WebAuthnCallback
extension WebAuthnRegistrationCallback: PlatformAuthenticatorRegistrationDelegate
extension WebAuthnRegistrationCallback: FRWebAuthnManagerDelegate
FROptions represents a configuration object for the SDK. It can be used for passing configuration options in the FRAuth.start() method.
See moreDeclaration
@objc open class FROptions : NSObject, Codable
OAuth2 client object represents OAuth2 client, and provides methods related to OAuth2 protocol
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FROAuth2Client) public class OAuth2Client : NSObject, Codable
Configuration object represents OpenAM, or FRaaS environment information
@objc(FRServerConfig) public class ServerConfig : NSObject, Codable
@objc(FRServerConfigBuilder) public class ServerConfigBuilder : NSObject
BrowserCollector is responsible for collecting browser information of the device.
See moreDeclaration
public class BrowserCollector : DeviceCollector
FRDevice represents a device locally managed, and persisted in FRAuth SDK
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRDevice : NSObject
FRDeviceCollector class manages, and collects Device related information with given DeviceCollector objects and returns JSON result of all Device Collectors
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRDeviceCollector : NSObject
HardwareCollector is responsible for collecting hardware information of the device using ProcessInfo.
See moreDeclaration
public class HardwareCollector : DeviceCollector
NetworkCollector is responsible for collecting network information of the device using FRAuth.NetworkReachabilityMonitor.
See moreDeclaration
public class NetworkCollector : DeviceCollector
PlatformCollector is responsible for collecting platform information of the device using UIDevice, and system information.
See moreDeclaration
public class PlatformCollector : DeviceCollector
public class ProfileCollector : DeviceCollector
TelephonyCollector is responsible for collecting telephony information of the device using CTCarrier.
See moreDeclaration
public class TelephonyCollector : DeviceCollector
FRAuth is an abstraction of authentication and/or registration with OpenAM through FRAuth SDK.
- In order to use abstraction layer of FRAuth SDK, you must initiate SDK using FRAuth.start(). Upon completion of SDK initialization, object models (FRDevice and/or FRUser) become available.
- For SDK initialization, you must have proper configuration file as in .plist; default .plist that FRAuth SDK looks for is ‘FRAuthConfig.plist’, and the config file name can be changed through FRAuth.configPlistFileName property, or create an FROptions object and pass it in the FRAuth.start(options: FROptions? = nil) “options” parameter.
@objc public final class FRAuth : NSObject
FRLog is a class responsible for Logging functionalities of FRAuth SDK. FRLog can also be used in the application layer which then be displayed through FRAuth SDK, and through OSLog with FRAuth SDK’s system label and LogLevel.
By default, FRLog uses OSLog to display the log entry in the debug console, and in the log system of iOS; however, when OS_ACTIVITY_MODE is disabled in the environment variable, FRLog then uses default system print() method to display the log entry in the console only.
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRLog : NSObject
FRRequestInterceptorRegistry is a wrapper of FRCore.RequestInterceptorRegistry and is responsible to maintain, and manage an array of
for FRCore’s network layerDeclaration
public class FRRequestInterceptorRegistry : RequestInterceptorRegistry
FRRestclient is FRCore’s RestClient wrapper with additional functionalities for Cookie management
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRRestClient : NSObject
@objc open class FRURLProtocol : URLProtocol
extension FRURLProtocol: URLSessionDataDelegate
Token class represents any token object type
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class Token : NSObject, Encodable, NSSecureCoding
AuthorizationPolicy is mainly responsible to handle Authorization Policy process in AM. AuthorizationPolicy evaluates responses of each request, try to recognize Authorization Policy process as much as possible, and also delegates to the application layer to determine whether or not the response is Authorization Process or not.
AuthorizationPolicy proceeds following major steps:
1. Upon receiving request response, or redirected request, it invokes `AuthorizationPolicy.evaluateAuthorizationPolicy` to evaluate whether or not the response is required for Authorization process. If the response is automatically recognizable by SDK (IG redirect, or response payload containing `Advice` json structure, SDK automatically parses the response into `PolicyAdvice`. 2. If `PolicyAdvice` is found, it invokes `AuthorizationPolicyDelegate.onPolicyAdviseReceived` for the application layer to perform authorization process with given `PolicyAdvice`. The application layer should use `FRSession.authenticate` with `PolicyAdvice` to walk through authentication tree, and notify SDK with `completion` callback with the result of the authorization process. 3. If the authorization process was successful, it invokes `AuthorizationPolicyDelegate.updateRequest` to decorate the new request with transactionId (if found). If `AuthorizationPolicyDelegate.updateRequest` is not implemented, SDK automatically injects `_txId` in URL query parameter to the original request, and retry the request with updated one. If `transactionId` is not found, then retry with the original request.
Note AuthorizationPolicyDelegate only enforces its policy for given URLs. If given URLRequest does not match any of given URLs, then it proceeds as it is.
See more// Step 1 - Register FRURLProtocol URLProtocol.registerClass(FRURLProtocol.self) // Step 2 - Initialize AuthorizationPolicy object let authorizationPolicy = AuthorizationPolicy(validatingURL: [URL, URL,...], delegate: self) // Step 3 - Implement delegate method if needed; `AuthorizationPolicyDelegate.onPolicyAdviseReceived` is mandatory whereas others are optional // Step 4 - Assign AuthorizationPolicy in FRURLProtocol FRURLProtocol.authorizationPolicy = authorizationPolicy // Step 5 - Configure URLProtocol in the application's URLSessionConfiguration let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default config.protocolClasses = [FRURLProtocol.self] let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: config)
@objc public class AuthorizationPolicy : NSObject
TokenManagementPolicy is mainly responsible to determine to inject OAuth2 authorization header in the request, and whether or not response of the request is OAuth2 token validation failure, so that SDK should renew OAuth2 token, and retry request with updated OAuth2 token TokenManagementPolicy performs two major responsibilities: 1. Automatically injects `Authorization` header in the request with currently authenticated `FRUser.currentUser.token` value; if no currently authenticated user session is found, then it continues with the original request 2. Upon receiving request response, it invokes `TokenManagementPolicyDelegate.evaluateTokenRefresh` to evaluate whether or not the response is due to OAuth2 token validation failure (i.e. token expired). The application layer can determine if the response is required to renew OAuth2 token set, and return `true` in the delegation method which then enforce SDK to renew OAuth2 token set with `refresh_token`, and/or `SSOToken`, and retry the original request with updated OAuth2 token set. If OAuth2 token renewal fails, or same response is returned after renewing OAuth2 tokens, SDK terminates the request, and returns the failure response. **Note** TokenManagementPolicy only enforces its policy for given URLs. If given URLRequest does not match any of given URLs, then it proceeds as it is.
See more// Step 1 - Register FRURLProtocol URLProtocol.registerClass(FRURLProtocol.self) // Step 2 - Initialize TokenManagementPolicy object let tokenManagementPolicy = TokenManagementPolicy(validatingURL: [URL, URL,...], delegate: self) // Step 3 - Implement delegate method if needed // Step 4 - Assign TokenManagementPolicy in FRURLProtocol FRURLProtocol.tokenManagementPolicy = tokenManagementPolicy // Step 5 - Configure URLProtocol in the application's URLSessionConfiguration let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default config.protocolClasses = [FRURLProtocol.self] let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: config)
@objc(FRTokenManagementPolicy) public class TokenManagementPolicy : NSObject
FRSession represents a session authenticated by AM’s Authentication Tree
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRSession : NSObject
AppleSignInHandler is responsible to perform authorization/signing-in a user using Apple ID, and
See moreAuthenticationServices
framework; Sign-in With Apple is only available for iOS 13 and above.Declaration
public class AppleSignInHandler : NSObject, IdPHandler
extension AppleSignInHandler: ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate
extension AppleSignInHandler: ASAuthorizationControllerPresentationContextProviding
Address class is a representation of a user’s Address data according to OAuth2 and OIDC spec. Address is retrieved using /userinfo endpoint and is part of UserInfo object.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRUserInfoAddress) public class Address : NSObject, NSSecureCoding
Browser is a representation of external user-agent (using Authentication Service, Native Browser Application, or SFSafariViewController)
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRBrowser) public class Browser : NSObject
extension Browser: SFSafariViewControllerDelegate
extension Browser: ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding
BrowserBuilder is a builder class for progressive construction of Browser object.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRBrowserBuilder) public class BrowserBuilder : NSObject
FRUser represents authenticated user session as FRUser object
See moreDeclaration
@objc public class FRUser : NSObject, NSSecureCoding
UserInfo class is a representation of a user’s UserInfo data according to OAuth2 and OIDC spec. UserInfo is retrieved using /userinfo endpoint.
See moreDeclaration
@objc(FRUserInfo) public class UserInfo : NSObject, NSSecureCoding
FRWebAuthn is a utility class providing helper methods for listing and deleting WebAuthn keys stored on the device. The provided static methods are:
See morepublic static func deleteCredentials(by rpId: String)
public static func loadAllCredentials(by rpId: String) -> [PublicKeyCredentialSource]
public static func deleteCredential(with publicKeyCredentialSource: PublicKeyCredentialSource)
public static func deleteCredential(with publicKeyCredentialSource: PublicKeyCredentialSource, forceDelete: Bool)
public class FRWebAuthn : NSObject
FRWebAuthnManager is a class handling WebAuthn Registation and Authentication using Apple’s ASAuthorization libraries. Used by the SDK, it is called by the WebAuthnRegistration and WebAuthnAuthenticaton callbacks and sets the outcome in the HiddenValueCallback. This comes with the
See moreFRWebAuthnManagerDelegate
that offers callbacks in the calling class for Success, Error and Cancel scenarios.Declaration
@available(iOS 16, *) @MainActor public class FRWebAuthnManager : NSObject, ASAuthorizationControllerPresentationContextProviding, ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate