Interface APIConfiguration

public interface APIConfiguration
Interface to show the configuration properties from both the SPI/API based on the Connector makeup. Before this is passed into the ConnectorFacadeFactory one must call getConfigurationProperties() and configure accordingly.
  • Method Details

    • getConfigurationProperties

      ConfigurationProperties getConfigurationProperties()
      Gets instance of the configuration properties. These are initialized to their default values based on meta information. Caller can then modify the properties as needed.
    • setChangeListener

      void setChangeListener(ConfigurationPropertyChangeListener changeListener)
      Add a configuration change listener callback handler. This callback handler will be notified when connector push an event back to application to notify the initial configuration has to be changed before next time creating a new Connectorfacade in order to continue operate properly.
      changeListener - the callback handler to receive the change event.
    • isConnectorPoolingSupported

      boolean isConnectorPoolingSupported()
      Determines if this Connector uses the framework's connector pooling.
      true if the Connector uses the framework's connector pooling feature.
    • getConnectorPoolConfiguration

      ObjectPoolConfiguration getConnectorPoolConfiguration()
      Gets the connector pooling configuration. This is initialized to the default values. Caller can then modify the properties as needed.
    • getSupportedOperations

      Set<Class<? extends APIOperation>> getSupportedOperations()
      Get the set of operations that this ConnectorFacade will support.
    • setTimeout

      void setTimeout(Class<? extends APIOperation> operation, int timeout)
      Sets the timeout value for the operation provided.
      operation - particular operation that requires a timeout.
      timeout - milliseconds that the operation will wait in order to complete. Values less than or equal to zero are considered to disable the timeout property.
    • getTimeout

      int getTimeout(Class<? extends APIOperation> operation)
      Gets the rate limit map based on the operation provided.
      operation - particular operation to get a timeout for.
      milliseconds to wait for an operation to complete before throwing an error.
    • setRateLimit

      void setRateLimit(Class<? extends APIOperation> operation, Map<String,Integer> rateLimits)
      Sets the timeout value for the operation provided.
      operation - particular operation that requires a timeout.
      rateLimits - map of request limits, refresh period, and rate limiting timeout millisecond values. Values less than or equal to zero are considered to disable any rate limiting.
    • getRateLimit

      Map<String,Integer> getRateLimit(Class<? extends APIOperation> operation)
      Gets the rate limit map for the operation provided.
      operation - particular operation to get a timeout for.
      map containing milliseconds request limits, refresh period, and rate limiting timeout before throwing an error.
    • setProducerBufferSize

      void setProducerBufferSize(int size)
      Sets the size of the buffer for Connector the support SearchOp and what the results of the producer buffered.
      size - default is 100, if size is set to zero or less will disable buffering.
    • getProducerBufferSize

      int getProducerBufferSize()
      Get the size of the buffer.
    • getResultsHandlerConfiguration

      ResultsHandlerConfiguration getResultsHandlerConfiguration()
      Get the configuration of the ResultsHandler chain of the Search operation.