Interface Connector

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Connector
This is the main interface to declare a connector. Developers must implement this interface. The life-cycle for a Connector is as follows init(Configuration) is called then any of the operations implemented in the Connector and finally dispose. The init(Configuration) and dispose() allow for block operations. For instance bulk creates or deletes and the use of before and after actions. Once dispose() is called the Connector object is discarded.
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguration

      Configuration getConfiguration()
      Return the configuration that was passed to init(Configuration).
      The configuration that was passed to init(Configuration).
    • init

      void init(Configuration cfg)
      Initialize the connector with its configuration. For instance in a JDBC Connector this would include the database URL, password, and user.
      cfg - instance of the Configuration object implemented by the Connector developer and populated with information in order to initialize the Connector.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Dispose of any resources the Connector uses.