
public final class ObjectClass extends Object
An instance of ObjectClass specifies a category or type of ConnectorObject. This class predefines some common object-classes, such as ACCOUNT and GROUP.
  • Field Details


      public static final String ACCOUNT_NAME
      This constant defines a specific value of ObjectClass that is reserved for ACCOUNT.

      public static final String GROUP_NAME
      This constant defines a specific value of ObjectClass that is reserved for GROUP.
    • ALL_NAME

      public static final String ALL_NAME
      This constant defines a specific value of ObjectClass that is reserved for ALL.

      public static final ObjectClass ACCOUNT
      Represents a human being in the context of a specific system or application.

      When an attribute matching this constant is found within a ConnectorObject, this indicates that the ConnectorObject represents a human being (actual or fictional) within the context of a specific system or application.

      Generally, an Account object records characteristics of a human user (such as loginName, password, user preferences or access privileges) that are relevant only to (or primarily to) a specific system or application.

    • GROUP

      public static final ObjectClass GROUP
      Represents a collection that contains an object (such as an account).

      When an attribute matching this constant is found within a ConnectorObject, this indicates that the ConnectorObject represents a group.

    • ALL

      public static final ObjectClass ALL
      Represents all collections that contains any object.

      This constant allowed to use in operation SyncOp.getLatestSyncToken(ObjectClass) and SyncOp.sync(ObjectClass, SyncToken, SyncResultsHandler, OperationOptions) any other operation throws UnsupportedOperationException

  • Constructor Details

    • ObjectClass

      public ObjectClass(String type)
      Create a custom object class.
      type - string representation for the name of the object class.
  • Method Details

    • getObjectClassValue

      public String getObjectClassValue()
      Get the name of the object class. (For example, the name of ACCOUNT is the value defined by ACCOUNT_NAME, which is "__ACCOUNT__".)
    • getDisplayNameKey

      public String getDisplayNameKey()
      Convenience method to build the display name key for an object class.
      The display name key.
    • is

      public boolean is(String name)
      Determines if the 'name' matches this ObjectClass.
      name - case-insensitive string representation of the ObjectClass's type.
      true if the case-insensitive name is equal to that of the one in this ObjectClass.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object