Package org.identityconnectors.framework.spi

package org.identityconnectors.framework.spi
This is the "Service Provider Interface" package. The Connector developer is responsible for implementing the following interfaces to build a Connector.
  • First, one must implement the Configuration interface. The Configuration.validate() method is used to determine whether the configuration information that has been provided is valid. The implementation should simply be a Java Bean. There should be a getter and setter for each configuration property. For instance, if the resource is a database instance then some typical configuration information would include the JDBC driver, the host name of remote machine or the URL, and some connection credentials. The getter should return the default value.
  • Second, one should implement the Connector interface. This interface insures proper initialization and disposal of the Connector. If the Connector developer would like the API to handle 'Connection Pooling', the Connector must implement the PoolableConnector interface.
  • Third, one should implement all the operations the resource can support, such as CreateOp, UpdateOp, DeleteOp, SearchOp, etc..

The operations package has many operations from which to choose. In some cases, one operation does the same thing as another but exposes more options. For instance there are two update operations. UpdateOp is simpler to implement than UpdateAttributeValuesOp.