Class Form

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Form
    extends MultiValueMap<String,​String>
    Form fields, a case-sensitive multi-string-valued map. The form can be read from and written to request objects as query parameters (GET) and request entities (POST).
    • Constructor Detail

      • Form

        public Form()
        Constructs a new, empty form object.
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        public Form fromString​(String s)
        Parses a form URL-encoded string containing form parameters and stores them in this object. Malformed name-value pairs (missing the "=" delimiter) are simply ignored.
        s - the form URL-encoded string to parse.
        this form object.
      • fromFormString

        public Form fromFormString​(String s)
        Parses a form URL-encoded string containing form parameters and stores them in this object. Malformed name-value pairs (missing the "=" delimiter) are simply ignored.
        s - the form URL-encoded string to parse.
        this form object.
      • fromQueryString

        public Form fromQueryString​(String s)
        Parses a URL-encoded query string containing form parameters and stores them in this object. Malformed name-value pairs (missing the "=" delimiter) are simply ignored.
        s - the URL-encoded query string to parse.
        this form object.
      • toFormString

        public String toFormString()
        Returns this form in a form URL-encoded string.
        the form URL-encoded form.
      • toQueryString

        public String toQueryString()
        Returns this form in a URL-encoded query string.
        the URL-encoded query string.
      • fromRequestQuery

        public Form fromRequestQuery​(Request request)
        Parses the query parameters of a request and stores them in this object. The object is not cleared beforehand, so this adds to any fields already in place.
        request - the request to be parsed.
        this form object.
      • toRequestQuery

        public void toRequestQuery​(Request request)
        Sets a request URI with query parameters. This overwrites any query parameters that may already exist in the request URI.
        request - the request to set query parameters to.
      • appendRequestQuery

        public void appendRequestQuery​(Request request)
        Appends the form as additional query parameters on an existing request URI. This leaves any existing query parameters intact.
        request - the request to append query parameters to.
      • fromRequestEntity

        public Form fromRequestEntity​(Request request)
                               throws IOException
        Because Entity content should be read asynchronously. Instead retrieve the Form with Entity.getFormAsync().
        Parses the URL-encoded form entity of a request and stores them in this object. The object is not cleared beforehand, so this adds to any fields already in place.
        request - the request to be parsed.
        this form object.
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs.
        See Also:
      • toRequestEntity

        public void toRequestEntity​(Request request)
        Populates a request with the necessary headers and entity for the form to be submitted as a POST with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type. This overwrites any entity that may already be in the request.
        request - the request to add the form entity to.