Class ServiceAlreadyExistsException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceAlreadyExistsException

        public ServiceAlreadyExistsException()
        Constructs an ServiceAlreadyExistsException with no specified detail message.
      • ServiceAlreadyExistsException

        public ServiceAlreadyExistsException​(String msg)
        Constructs an ServiceAlreadyExistsException with the specified detail message.
        msg - the detail message.
      • ServiceAlreadyExistsException

        public ServiceAlreadyExistsException​(String rbName,
                                             String errCode,
                                             Object[] args)
        Constructs an ServiceAlreadyExistsException with the specified error code. It can be used to pass localized error message.
        rbName - Resource Bundle name where localized error message is located.
        errCode - error code or message id to be used for ResourceBundle.getString() to locate error message.
        args - any arguments to be used for error message formatting getMessage() will construct error message using English resource bundle.