Interface EntitlementSubject

  • @SupportedAll
    public interface EntitlementSubject
    Encapsulates a Strategy to decide if a Privilege applies to a given Subject.
    • Method Detail

      • setState

        void setState​(String state)
        Sets state of this object from a JSON string.
        state - State of the object encoded as a JSON string
      • getState

        String getState()
        Returns state of the object encoded as a JSON string.
        state of the object encoded as a JSON string.
      • getSearchIndexAttributes

        Map<String,​Set<String>> getSearchIndexAttributes()
        Returns attribute names and values that could be used for indexing. These values will be used by the authorization engine to obtain the applicable policies for a given Subject.
        a map of key-value pairs that will be used for indexing the entitlements that contain this EntitlementSubject.
      • getRequiredAttributeNames

        Set<String> getRequiredAttributeNames()
        Returns a set of attribute names that are used for evaluation. During evaluation, the Evaluator would try to populate these attributes in the Subject for the EntitlementSubject's consumption.
        a set of attributes that would be required by the EntitlementSubject's implementation.
      • evaluate

        SubjectDecision evaluate​(String realm,
                                 com.sun.identity.entitlement.SubjectAttributesManager mgr,
                                 Subject subject,
                                 String resourceName,
                                 Map<String,​Set<String>> environment)
                          throws EntitlementException
        Returns SubjectDecision of EntitlementSubject evaluation.
        realm - Realm name.
        subject - Subject who is under evaluation.
        resourceName - Resource name.
        environment - Environment parameters.
        SubjectDecision of Subject evaluation.
        EntitlementException - if any errors occur.
      • isIdentity

        boolean isIdentity()
        Returns true is this subject is an identity object.
        true is this subject is an identity object.